Proverbs 24

Proverbs 24 – I have been blogging on the Book of Proverbs, taking one chapter per day for 31 Day Proverbs Challenge, There are 31 Chapters in the Book of Proverbs. Today is Day 24 and I’m focusing on Proverbs 24. #Proverbs24 #bgbg2

Proverbs 24

The 24th Chapter of Proverbs have more “words to the wise” There are 34 verses in this chapter.

Proverbs, 24, starts off by saying don’t envy, have a desire for, evil men. A desire to either be like them or with them. These evil men desire violence. They talk of trouble. This type of person doesn’t seek godly things. This way of life can lead to death.

A godly house

A godly house is built on wisdom, this is wisdom of God. A knowledge and understanding of Him.  Man with godly wisdom is strong, that is because he is filling himself with things of God.

"For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again..." Proverbs 24:16a

Two keys to success this Proverbs tells us are knowledge and wise counsel, seeking godly advise. Again, choose your friends wisely.

If you go around making evil you will be known as a schemer, one who does wrong to others on purpose. If you desire foolish living, living that goes against Gods will is sin. People will know you for what you do. Mostly, what you do wrong, instead of what you do right, in most cases.

Proverbs 24,talks about wisdom and eating honey is good for you. Did you know if you eat local raw honey it helps with allergies? Check out this blog post on honey. Knowledge of God is sweet just like honey is sweet.

Verse 16 is a common verse talking about a righteous man falls, goes astray seven times. Did you know seven is Gods number? It means complete or pure. How many days did God created the Earth and what did he do on the 7th? He rested!

For though a righteous man falls seven times,

he rises again …

Proverbs 24:16a

Proverbs 22,  tells us not to rejoice or be happy when our enemy falls or bad happens to them. Remember we are suppose to love our enemies and do good unto them. God is displeased or sad when we are happy when our enemies fall.

This Proverb also tells us to not worry about evil or the wicked. The evil mans way will come to an end. God will punish this man, so we don’t have anything to worry about.

Some things this Proverbs says belong to the wise are:

  • Don’t show partiality or favoritism
  • Those who don’t tell the wicked they are righteous
  • Rebuke the wicked
  • Gives the correct answers
  • Never a witness against their neighbor without cause
  • Don’t pay back people what they done unto them

Just to name a few, shown in those vereses 24-34, Proverbs 24:24-34.

What did you get out of reading Chapter 24? What verses stood out to you in this chapter? I want to hear from you.

[tweetshare tweet=”For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again.” quote=”For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again.”]

<– Chapter 23 | Chapter 25 –>

31 Day Proverbs Challenge Series

| Introduction |
| 1st Chapter of Proverbs | 2nd Chapter of Proverbs |
| 3rd Chapter of Proverbs | 4th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 5th Chapter of Proverbs | 6th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 7th Chapter of Proverbs | 8th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 9th Chapter of Proverbs | 10th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 11th Chapter of Proverbs | 12th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 13th Chapter of Proverbs | 14th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 15th Chapter of Proverbs | 16th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 17th Chapter of Proverbs | 18th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 19th Chapter of Proverbs | 20th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 21st Chapter of Proverbs | 22nd Chapter of Proverbs |
| 23rd Chapter of Proverbs | 24th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 25th Chapter of Proverbs | 26th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 27th Chapter of Proverbs | 28th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 29th Chapter of Proverbs | 30th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 31st Chapter of Proverbs |

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About the Author

Author: Steve Patterson

A Christian Blogger that enjoys blogging about the Bible, Theology, God, Jesus Christ, Christian Music, Family, Cats, Odd Holidays, sewing and much more. I have been blogging since 2004, however, I have been blogging on Courageous Christian Father since 2012. I enjoy listening to Christian Music. I am married with 1 daughter, 2 step-sons and a step daughter.

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