Proverbs 13

Proverbs 13 – As part of the 31 Day Proverbs Challenge, I am doing one chapter per day for 31 days since there are 31 chapters in the Book of Proverbs. This is Day 13 of 31, therefore I am focusing on Proverbs 13.

Today read the whole chapter of Proverbs 13.

Proverbs 13


This Proverb starts off talking again to their son. Saying that a wise son will listen and obey his parents, including the discipline.


This Proverb also talks about how words have a factor in what we do and can affect things around us. Like a cause and effect. Bad words will cause destruction will good words can lead to fruit.

Being Lazy

It also talks about being lazy. If you are lazy you won’t have, that if you want you need to work. It may not be talking about earthly work as an income but perhaps Gods work. If we are a soul winner we will be rewarded.


It also talks about lying. Lying is wrong and the righteous dislikes lies. That wicked lies and those lies will bring shame. Most lies I believe are with selfish ambitions for a person is to try to gain by lying. Sometimes the lies are to cover up something. We cannot hide from God. God knows all and sees all.

Having Riches

It also says by having riches on earth but you are still poor because you don’t know what you need, on the contrast the poor on earth are rich because they have what they need. Remember God supplies our riches based on what we need. God knows us best and what we need. He gives us our needs based on His will.

Righteous Like The Light

It also talks how righteous like the light, that is because they will take discipline, unlike the wicked, the wicked wants the darkness because it is with light that their sins are revealed. The wicked doesn’t want to change. They would rather stay in the dark when everything seems to be hidden to them. But all sin has a way


Proverbs 13 talks about pride, wealth. Just like the 11th Chapter of Proverbs, in the first verse about the dishonest scales, being dishonest won’t benefit you no where, if you want to benefit you must do it the correct and honest way, truthful way.

Gods Laws

It also talks about obeying Gods laws, if you don’t obey him you will be destroyed, I believe that’s talking about hell, the punishment for not accepting Jesus and being disobedient to God. If you listen to Gods law and obey them, you will be rewarded, I believe the Heavenly reward.God will punish those who rebel. Those who obey will be rewarded.

A Fool

It says a fool will think its bad to depart from their evil ways.

Choosing Your Friends

I believe this Proverb also talks about importance of choosing your friends. Surround your self with wise people and you will gain wisdom. On the other hand surround yourself with foolish people will bring destruction. You are usually known by the people you hang out with. Just like all the other Proverbs, they give good advice to live by.

Proverbs 13:20 - WHoever walks with the wise becomes wise but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

Evil Pursues Sinners

It also talks about how evil pursues sinners, that when you fall short of Gods will evil will seek you to keep you away from Gods will.

[pullquote]He who spares his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him promptly.[/pullquote]

Discipline Your Child

You may have heard spare the rod and spoil he child, but the Bible tells us in Proverbs 13:24 to discipline your child! Discipline shows you love the person you are disciplining.  The Bible says God loves those who he disciplines. Discipline is a form of correction. You will correct those you love, because you want to see what is best for them. Its saying if you don’t correct your child that you hate them. It is also saying that your child is being foolish for not obeying. Disobedience leads to destruction and what parent wants to see their child perish? If you love them you won’t want to see them perish. You will want to see them gain the eternal life with Christ too.

Discipline Shows Love

Did you know the Bible says God loves those who He disciplines. See Hebrews 12:6; Proverbs 3:12; Revelation 3:19. If the Heavenly Father loves us like that we ought to love our own child like that. This is a sure fire sign to know that you are saved. You will feel the chastisement of God when you go astray, when you sin. God will correct you and try to get your attention to get you set straight.

Feed his Soul

This Proverb ends with the righteous will feed his soul, I believe talking about Jesus, bread of life, an eternal life. He will feed himself with things from God and not the earth. But if you are foolish you will eat to fill your tummy, a temporary fix. We should be focusing on the eternal and not the temporary.

Share what you got out of reading Proverbs 13? What verse stood out to you and why? 

<– Chapter 12 | Chapter 14 –>

31 Day Proverbs Challenge Series

| Introduction |
| 1st Chapter of Proverbs | 2nd Chapter of Proverbs |
| 3rd Chapter of Proverbs | 4th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 5th Chapter of Proverbs | 6th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 7th Chapter of Proverbs | 8th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 9th Chapter of Proverbs | 10th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 11th Chapter of Proverbs | 12th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 13th Chapter of Proverbs | 14th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 15th Chapter of Proverbs | 16th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 17th Chapter of Proverbs | 18th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 19th Chapter of Proverbs | 20th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 21st Chapter of Proverbs | 22nd Chapter of Proverbs |
| 23rd Chapter of Proverbs | 24th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 25th Chapter of Proverbs | 26th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 27th Chapter of Proverbs | 28th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 29th Chapter of Proverbs | 30th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 31st Chapter of Proverbs |

Check out the 21 Day Gospel of John Challenge!

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About the Author

Author: Steve Patterson

A Christian Blogger that enjoys blogging about the Bible, Theology, God, Jesus Christ, Christian Music, Family, Cats, Odd Holidays, sewing and much more. I have been blogging since 2004, however, I have been blogging on Courageous Christian Father since 2012. I enjoy listening to Christian Music. I am married with 1 daughter, 2 step-sons and a step daughter.

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