The Teal Pumpkin Project – Teal is the new Orange! – Help save God’s children by not giving them allergen containing treats, but other gifts instead. Plus raising awareness of food allergies during Trick or Treats or Trunk or Treats. Did you know that 1 in 13 children have a form of food allergy? #TealPumpkinProject #TealPumpkin #Halloween #Teal #FoodAllergies #FACET #FARE
Category: Tips
The Curious Case of the Key Fob and the Human Antenna — Have you ever found yourself in a vast parking lot, squinting at rows of cars, trying to locate your trusty steed among the sea of metal? You press the unlock button on your key fob, but alas, no familiar beep or flash of headlights. You’re too far away. But then, you remember a quirky trick – lifting the key fob to your neck, and suddenly, the car responds. It’s like magic, but it’s actually science.
It is time to change our clocks again, while we are changing our clocks it is a good idea to change our batteries. Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery!
It’s that time again! Time to SPRING AHEAD! or Spring Forward however you want to look at it. Basically for most of us we set our clocks ahead an hour before we go to bed. If we don’t we may be late for church or even work. #timechange #daylightsavingtime #springahead #ChangeBattery #ChangeClock
National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) I talk about a month for us bloggers. I talk a little about it and why I blog and much more. #NaBloPoMo
Proverbs 24: Day 24 of the 31 Day Proverbs Challenge. Read Chapter Twenty Four of the Book of Proverbs. #Proverbs #Proverbs24 #bgbg2 #31DayProverbsChallenge
Think Green (Reuse or Recycle) Those Christmas Cards that you get. Don’t just toss them in the garbage. Bring new life to these Christmas Cards. (Greeting Cards)
Wiper Blades Up! Want to help preserve those wiper blades during the winter times of snow, freezing rain and slush. When you have your car parked raise your wiper blades up and away from the window. If they are up on the window, they can stand a chance of freezing to the window, especially when freezing rain comes and causes slush and freezes that slush. #WiperBlades
6 ways to be kind to food servers – Servers are at the heart of the restaurant industry, and there are various ways to show them how much their efforts are appreciated.
Tips for preparing to cook your turkey for Thanksgiving. A good entertainment plan that saves time and money is something to be truly thankful for. With the right plan, all that cooks will need to do on Thanksgiving Day is put dishes into the oven and remove them when they are done. A few hints from professional chef Jim Coleman can help you save money while affording you more time to spend with your guests. Now with a free printable version! #Turkey #Thanksgiving #TurkeyTips #Recipe
Halloween Is More Dangerous on a Saturday – Just think about that a moment. More people are off of work. Not to mention more people will party and drink and much more!
Save Energy With Christmas Decorations – Tips to save energy this Christmas season with Christmas Decorations. The Christmas season allows people to transform their homes into wonderlands of lights, garlands and poinsettias. Each family has its own Christmas traditions, and decorations are a part of many of those traditions. #Christmas
Safe Debris Burning. The Tennessee Department of Agriculture Division of Forestry is reminding residents who want to burn yard debris to follow simple safety practices to prevent wildfires
10+ Kindness Rocks Hiding Tips. This is a user imputed list of tips to hide Kindness Rocks. This list can also work for finding kindness rocks. After all you use these tips to hide them, so they can be used for finding them too.
13 Tips for that Next Road Trip. Before you go on your next road trip you might want to check out these 13 tips to make sure you are ready to go. #CarsCom #ad
How I’ve Blogged Daily For Nearly 3 Years I share some of my experiences and tips on how I was able to blog daily for nearly 3 years. #BloggingDaily #Blogging
Fire Safety 101 – Home Fire Safety Checklist & Facts About Fire – Fire safety tips, Fire Safety check list, safety information, facts about fire & change your clocks, change your batteries information for your household & family. . #FireSafety #FireFacts #FireSafetyChecklist
Making a few simple DIY changes to your home can help you decrease monthly costs and reduce the need for upkeep. Check out these five tips that can help you
Routine maintenance can eliminate litter box problems. If you have children, you know they can slack on maintaining their chores to help keep the litter box clean. But, it is very important for us and the cat to keep up with it. #Cats #LitterBox
Want to stop wasting water—and money—at home? Take 10 Minutes To Stop Leaks and become a leak detective with these clues ton help you detect and fix leaks. #FixALeakWeek