Wake Up America

Wake Up America is the 2016 theme for National Day of Prayer. National Day of Prayer is held the first Thursday of May each year.

Wake Up America

National Day of Prayer

Wake Up America - National Day of Prayer

The National Day of Prayer is not just a vital part of America’s heritage, but is as relevant and critical today as it was at the first call by our Continental Congress in 1775. Established in public law by a joint resolution of Congress signed by President Truman in 1952, then amended to designate the day under the 100th Congress and President Reagan in 1988, it states that …

“The President shall issue each year a proclamation designating the first Thursday in May as a National Day of Prayer on which the people of the United States may turn to God in prayer and meditation at churches, in groups and as individuals.”

As our nation struggles with foreign and domestic threats, economic insecurity, cultural tensions, and continual challenges to basic constitutional rights, citizens of the United States are preparing to heed the call by our elected leaders to exercise one of their most precious freedoms – the right to gather, turn to God, and pray. In response, millions will assemble at thousands of local events across the nation, where they will take time out of their daily schedules to intercede on behalf of their communities, their nation, and their leaders.
The theme for the 2016 National Day of Prayer observation is Wake Up America, emphasizing the need for every citizen to wake up to the reality of the challenges that our nation faces and to call upon the unfailing character of God, who is sovereign over all governments, authorities, and men. Isaiah 58:1. further highlights this need by exhorting us to …
“Shout it aloud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet.”

Past National Day of Prayer Blog Post

More post on Prayer

I like this quote by Billy Graham.

Prayer is one of our greatest privileges and also one of our greatest responsibilities.

About the National Day of Prayer
The National Day of Prayer tradition predates the founding of the United States of America, evidenced by the Continental Congress’ proclamation in 1775 setting aside a day of prayer. In 1952, Congress established an annual day of prayer and, in 1988, that law was amended, designating the National Day of Prayer as the first Thursday in May.
To learn more, or to find a National Day of Prayer event in your community, visit

Source: National Day of Prayer – Press Release – #NationalDayofPrayer #WakeUpAmerica

The next National Day of Prayer is May 4, 2017

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