Proverbs 27: Day 27 of the 31 Day Proverbs Challenge. Read Chapter Twenty Seven of the Book of Proverbs. #Proverbs #Proverbs27 #bgbg2 #31DayProverbsChallenge
Tag: Praise

The Bible Slide A Christian Cha-Cha Slide A Christian version of the Cha Cha Slide. #ChaChaSlide #BibleSlide #ChristianSlide

The Most Segregated Day is Sunday why is that? When we are suppose to by the body of Christ why are we divided or set apart a body and not in unity as one.

Check out this Flash Mob Gospel singing the song Every Praise by Hezekiah Walker in Birmingham, AL at the Five Points South Fountain. #EveryPraise

I discuss about Joyful Noise unto the Lord. #joyfulnoise

Check out this music video of these American Soldiers as they praise and worship God in unity to the song “Days of Elijah”

Can you imagine being at sea on a boat and a mighty storm, hurricane like comes about. You are a sleep and calm, but the rest of the crew is panicking and running about like chickens when their heads cut off. That is exactly what happened to these men aboard this ship.

This is the Billboards music video for Praise You in the Storm by Casting Crowns. I really like this song, because no matter what we should praise Him. #CastingCrowns

Vacation from church: When you go on vacation from work and get away, do you take a vacation from church too? Do you find a church while on vacation?

Pastor, Bob Neal of Piedmont Baptist, was preaching he said a quote that stuck with me. Praise is Faith Turned Inside Out! #Faith #Praise