A church that wants a better pastor can get one by praying for him – Prayer works and we ought to be praying for the pastor or pastors at our church.
Tag: Creative Writing

A Ship Rose Up Out of the Deep Sea a tail about a ship that arose out of the deep sea.

400 Writing Prompts Book – a book that has some writing prompts and areas to write in them. #400WritingPrompts #WritingPrompts

Introducing the Fart Dragons – Yes! I know not proper eh? But that is what we call the plush dragons in our home. Famous Dragons & Dragons and the Bible. #Dragons

$300 Road Trip from NYC to LA – This is a creative writing prompt piece. About having only $300 cash, driving a Toyota Prius from New York City, NY to Los Angeles, CA. (Cross Country)

My Dream Home would be a tiny log cabin home. Maybe something similar or on the lines of this log cabin home from Log Cabins for Less. #LogCabin

You have been given $100 on the condition that you must spend it all on yourself. What will you do with your money?

The Road, A Six Word Story – Part of a Creative Writing Prompt based on an image of a road with mountains in the background.@tablo_prompts

Every Tuesday, Paul brings me a big cup of soup and we talk about … (Creative Writing Assignment) Where I am sitting down talking to the Apostle Paul. @DailyPrompt

The Weather Today, Without Weather-Related Words – I am doing another creative writing prompt. In this writing prompt, I had to describe the weather I see outside the window without using weather-related words. Oh! I have to use six words too! @tablo_prompts

Are you a night owl or are you the early bird? What’s your most productive time of day? When do you do your best work? #NightOwl #EarlyBird @dailyblogprompts

If Cars Could Fly – We wouldn’t have roads! But the air traffic would be crazy. I am sure there would be no real direct path. I guess you could fly as the crow flies?

From the Roof Tops – Usually this involves us sharing a big important message to someone. What does the Bible say about roofs? #BGBG2 #Roofs

Hit by the waving man – the story of Rupert, our black car, being hit by the waving man. Yes! Our cars have names. #WavingMan

Lookie, Lookie, Lookie, Here Comes Cookie, Cook’s Pest Control – This jingle is one I always remember hearing when I was a child. #CooksPestControl

Shipwrecked – This is my adventure of being shipwrecked … marooned on an island, maybe like Gilligan’s Island, or maybe not! Maybe like the Apostle Paul? Well here is my shipwreck story. #ShipWrecked

My adventure as a stray cat – This is a creative writing post about my day as a stray cat. #straycat

A Cactus Point of View – I’m going to write about being what it would be like if I was a cactus. #Cactus