The Weather Out My Window, Without Weather-Related Words

The Weather Out My Window, Without Weather-Related Words – I am doing another creative writing prompt. In this writing prompt, I had to describe the weather I see outside the window without using weather-related words. Oh! I have to use six words too!

The Weather Out My Window, Without Weather-Related Words - I am doing another creative writing prompt. In this writing prompt, I had to describe the weather I see outside the window without using weather-related words. Oh! I have to use six words too!

Below is a picture of my view from my desk to outside. I took this picture, so I could write about it later. So I will attempt to do that and in the six word limit too.

Comfortable! Great Day for a Hike!

#TabloPrompts: Write a #sixwordstory describing the weather out your window, without using any normal weather-related words #writingprompts


About the Author

Author: Steve Patterson

A Christian Blogger that enjoys blogging about the Bible, Theology, God, Jesus Christ, Christian Music, Family, Cats, Odd Holidays, sewing and much more. I have been blogging since 2004, however, I have been blogging on Courageous Christian Father since 2012. I enjoy listening to Christian Music. I am married with 1 daughter, 2 step-sons and a step daughter.

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