A Ship Rose Up Out of the Deep Sea a tail about a ship that arose out of the deep sea.
A Ship Rose Up Out of the Deep Sea

My name is Captain ChristianBlogR I want to tell you a tale of something I could not believe my own as a ship rising out of the deep sea. Yes, I said rising up not sinking. I’ve seen many are ship be sunk in a deep sea.
I couldn’t believe my eyes. I did not know what was going on. Figured maybe the rapture and was able to bring the ship up. But, I was still on the ship so that would mean I got left behind. Well, I know this pirate, umm fisherman for this writing prompt, is a follow of Christ. I knew that couldn’t be the answer!
So I began to navigate my small fishing vessel to where the ship is being raised out of the deep sea. I’ll try to take a closer look it looks like something kind of inflatable maybe on the inside lifting it up.
They often use those inflatable‘s to raise ships that have sunk in the sea. But, there were no rescue teams or excavating teams. So I was still clueless.
I mean this beautiful ship it look prestige almost reminded me of a pirate ship. I called out and nobody answered. I looked around and there was nobody else on the sea around me. I tried radioing and no communication. Not even any cellular or satellite data or signal to communicate to the outside world.
So … I was able to make it to the beautiful Pirate ship. I tied my fishing vessel to the pirate ship. And climbed aboard. So what did I find onboard?
Did not find nobody. This pirate ship didn’t even look like it had been sunk. Nor were there any inflatable‘s to raise it up. It’s like it just appeared out of nowhere.
I mean it wasn’t wet inside, nor was it water logged aboard either. It was dry!
I went to look around even more and I found some gold coins from many different countries from around the world. I even found plenty of fishing gear.
There are many bedroom barracks on this pirate ship. Several restrooms. And even a nice kitchen.
I went to one area of the ship and there was a beautiful chapel with seating and even stained glass. Not to mention a cross and a Bible. The pulpit was very nice too.
I went to the bow of the boat (that’s the front of the boat just in case) looked down to see this pirate ship was named USS Evangelist. I figured that was a fitting name whoever named it after all it had a chapel.
I went to the helm of the boat, where are you steer the boat. Ironically, I did not find a compass for navigating.
Then then went to the captains quarters and there I found a log. I thought this log was of places they’ve been. Then I noticed his future dates, like a form of an itinerary.
The first stop was a spot to find a crew. however he didn’t call them crew members it called him disciples. Once the disciples were formed, it was to set sail and proceed with the itinerary.
That’s when I woke up … It had all been a dream … but a good dream as a set a reminder that we are all called to share the gospel in evangelize.
God will use us if we allow him to. He will provide the means. And anything we need to accomplish that. We just have to trust in him and allow him to use us. We must be faithful. We must say here I am send me.
We might not have a big pirate ship to be able to do this but we still have other methods of getting to the people. We have our own cars. God‘s given us feet to walk. Not to mention our pirate ship could be social media or a blog such as CourageousChristianFather.com.
God will give you the itinerary and guide your path. The reason I did not find a compass is because God is our guide, our compass. He will lead us and take us where He need to use us for His Plan and Purpose.
By the way there are many Bible Stories of the Sea post on this blog to check out.
If you follow this blog you know from time to time I like to do creative writing and my wife showed me this writing prompt and I figured I would give it ago and this is what you got. Of course this wasn’t a dream it was just freethinking writing and putting a twist on it to relate to this blog niche.
Writing prompt:
You’re a captain of a small fishing vessel. In your lifetime you have seen ships sink into the depths of the sea. This time, however, You’ve seen a ship rise from the deep.
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