I’m getting older. Thanks to my eye doctor who confirmed it at my appointment. 👁 August 6, I will be 43 years old. Why do we add “old” to our age until we get old than we say 43 years young. Lol
I broke my “guaranteed” unbreakable eye glasses. I have had them for seven years plus or minus.
So I called around to get an eye exam the same day and one place had an opening from a cancellation. So I went and had my exam there.
I told the eye doctor how I have to take my glasses off to read, but still need them for distance. I asked is that because I’m near sighted? The reply was, No! It’s because you are over 40 and need bifocals.
I am like, I can read just fine without glasses! But to wear contacts for distance, you have to do something for reading up close too.
So didn’t put me in new type of bifocal contacts, she did monovision instead. One contact is for reading, my left. Other for distance, my right. My brain is suppose to do the rest for seeing.
With monovision, you wear a contact lens on one eye to correct your distance vision and a contact lens on your other eye to correct your near vision. The lens for distance vision is usually worn on your dominant eye.
All About Vision
She said monovision contacts has better success than bifocal contacts. The other alternative was to put me in contacts for the distance, then I would need readers for reading.
Anywho, back to I am getting older. Well, I can say at least this is something we all do at same time. We all are getting older at the same time.
Another sign I am getting older, is more gray hair. But the Bible speaks great things of gray hair!
One thing to look forward to as we age, is that day we spend eternity with Christ in Heaven in our new gloried bodies. A body that is not falling apart or running down.
How is that monovision thing working for you? I’m pretty sure my eyes aren’t that smart and I would end up cross-eyed.
I didn’t like it. So I asked for normal script and got me readers. Which I think defeats the purpose of contacts. I’m near sighted so without correcting Lens I can read but I need them to read with contacts. I can’t see distance without. Almost seems like it’s best to have glasses for distance and nothing for reading or just do contacts and readers. Lol