Steve Patterson wrote a Christian poem/acronym for “Fourth of July” (4th of July) – Independence Day comes & everyday we owe God the thanks for our freedom. Includes a Free downloadable and printable version! #Fourth #July #4thofJuly
Category: Poems

Christian acronym for the word “Father”. It is done like a free verse acrostic poem. You can even download a free version! Written by Steve Patterson. #Father #Dad #FathersDay #DadsAreAwesome #FatherAcronym

A Mother’s Day Poem from the Cat – a poem written by the cat to the cat mom. A great poem for moms who have a cat as their furever child. #MothersDay

Mother Acronym – This is my acronym poem for the word Mother. Wishing all the moms out there a Happy Mother’s Day! Includes a Free Printable Version! #Mother #MothersDay #Mother #MotherAcronym #MotherAcrostic

If Jesus had an Obituary
If Jesus had an Obituary – Obituaries are common among those who died. Check out this unknown author’s view of what Jesus Christ’s Obituary would be like if Christ had an Obituary.

A Christmas acronym, Christmas Acrostic, Christmas Poem written by Steve Patterson. Includes a free printable version! #Christmas #ChristmasAcronym #ChristmasAcrostic #ChristmasPoem

A Thanksgiving Poem is written by myself, Steve Patterson. This is done like an acronym acrostic type poem. Plus a free printable version to download and print! #Thanksgiving #ThanksgivingDay #ThanksgivingPoem

Proverbs 30
Proverbs 30: Day 30 of the 31 Day Proverbs Challenge. Read Chapter Thirty of the Book of Proverbs. #Proverbs #Proverbs30 #bgbg2 #31DayProverbsChallenge

Pennies from Heaven – did you find a penny laying on the ground? It might have come from heaven. #PenniesfromHeaven #Pennies

Twas the Night Before Jesus Came – Below is a good poem I heard my mom talking about, so I looked it up and wanted to share it with my readers. One thing is clear, Christ is coming and He is coming soon! Are you ready? Plus a free printable.

Twas The Night Before Christmas Poem For Pets – A version of the poem for pets “‘Twas The Night Before Christmas”. Plus Some Christmas time tips for the pets.

Check out this Christmas poem written by Chris Jones in December of 1961 called “Ole Man Christmas”. Where can you find Ole Man Christmas? Now with a printable version. #OleManChristmas

Check out this creative idea for Christmas using M&M’s, a jar, decoration and a simple Christmas Poem to make A M&M Christmas Poem Jar. Just move the M to make a M, W, 3 and E. #ChristmasPoem #ChristmasPoemJars

Twas A Sheep Not a Lamb – Here is a really cool poem by Minnie Lee Bovender about it was a sheep not a lamb. It is a must read!

Good night poem written by Steve Patterson of Courageous Christian Father.
Good Night
Turn off the light
Sleep sound and tight …

Where Sin Will Take Us & Where the Will of God Will Take Us. Check out these two poems one is on Sin Will and the other is The Will of God Will. Plus, I include a free printable version.

The official mime video for Man vs God along with a transcript of the video. A poem is by Ryan and Tilmon #ManvsGod (God Vs Man) #GodVsMan

Sermons We See by Edgar Guest. This poem by him show that the way we live can speak louder than any sermon you may hear. We as Christians must walk the walk that matches our talk, by living what we say, preach and teach. Plus a Printable version.
This is a poem written by Amber Patterson, daughter of Steve Patterson of Courageous Christian Father. This poem is entitled “My Mate”.
This is a poem written by Amber Patterson, daughter of Steve Patterson of Courageous Christian Father. This poem is entitled “The Coming”.