Reflecting on Lent: A Season of Renewal — During this time of introspection and penitence, believers often embrace acts of charity and self-denial, seeking to emulate Christ’s sacrifice and teachings. It is a season marked by prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, as the faithful contemplate the profound mysteries of sin, redemption, and divine love. The austerity of Lent serves not as an end, but a means to renew one’s faith, culminating in the joyous resurrection of Easter Sunday, when the promise of eternal life is celebrated with exultant hearts and uplifted spirits.
Category: Easter
Pentecost – occurs 49 days after Easter, the 7th Sunday after Easter. The day when the Holy Spirit came across the people while they were in Jerusalem. This account is found in Acts 2. #Pentecost
Ascension – Is the day that Jesus ascended into Heaven which occurs the 40th day after Easter. #Ascension #bgbg2
Easter Monday – the day after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Some call this day “Bright Monday” or “Renewal Monday”. Find out more about this day! #EasterMonday
Amber Alert: Jesus Christ is Missing. There are two times in the Bible where Jesus Christ came up as missing in the Bible. Amber Alert: Jesus Christ is Missing An
An Empty Egg – Easter time, we hear a lot of about eggs and egg hunts. Let’s say you find an egg that is empty, as in an egg without a prize or anything in it. What does that represent?
Happy Easter “Resurrection Day”
Happy Easter | I talk about today being Easter, Resurrection Day. The day where Jesus Christ arose from the grave and conquered death. He also died to save us from our sins too. #Easter #ResurrectionSunday #Resurrection
Day #Resurrection
I am sure you seen this story going around on the internet about why Jesus folded the napkin or known as the linen burial cloth in His Tomb. This blog post talks about that and if there is any proof of this or not.
Finished An Easter Spoken Word Videos by KB — “Finished” is an immersive spoken word video series that will help you experience Jesus’ final days in real-time. Performed by artist and Bible teacher KB, “Finished” will help you worship now… in a whole new way.
The A-Z of Easter – I take each letter of the alphabet and give a word that is related to Easter. I start with A and end with Z. #Easter
Holy Saturday – The day when Jesus’ body was placed in the tomb. This is part of the three important parts of Easter. The Death, Burial and Resurrection! #HolySaturday
Tetelestai is Greek word τετέλεσται meaning “it is finished”. The final words of Jesus as he was hanging on the Cross. #Tetelestai
If Jesus had an Obituary
If Jesus had an Obituary – Obituaries are common among those who died. Check out this unknown author’s view of what Jesus Christ’s Obituary would be like if Christ had an Obituary.
Good Friday
I talk about what Good Friday is. Good Friday is part of Holy Week that leads to Easter. This is the day Jesus Died on the Cross at Calvary. #GoodFriday #Easter
20th anniversary of the powerful film, “The Passion of the Christ.” In 2004, director Mel Gibson brought to the big screen a visceral and unflinching portrayal of the final hours of Jesus Christ. The film, aptly titled “The Passion of the Christ,” chronicles the agony, betrayal, arrest, torture, and crucifixion of Jesus. Here are some key points to reflect upon:
No Bones About It — Jesus is Alive!
The phrase ‘No Bones About It’ is often used as well to state a fact with no doubt meaning Christ arose from the dead His bones were never found! Jesus Christ is surely alive!
Maundy Thursday we don’t hear about this day too much, especially as a Baptist. Holy Week, that starts on Palm Sunday, week before the resurrection of Christ. Maundy Thursday falls the day before Good Friday and Easter. This is just a short write up on this day. #MaundyThursday #HolyThursday
Spy Wednesday or known as Holy Wednesday or even known as Great and Holy Wednesday. Sometimes known as Good Wednesday. This is the Wednesday that leads up to Easter. Part of Holy Week. #SpyWedneday #HolyWednesday #GoodWednesday
The Rock at UT Painted for Easter — UTK Cru (The University of Tennessee Knoxville) Cru painted the famous rock on campus with an Easter theme. The Rock at UT
Sweating Blood Prayer
Sweating Blood Prayer, an earnest prayer that Jesus prayed. When is last time you prayed like Jesus? I mean hard earnest prayer, a prayer where the blood sweat prayer. A hard deep prayer like Jesus did in the Mount of Olives before He was Crucified. He prayed so hard he sweated blood! Don’t just let Easter time remind you of this type of prayer, but let it be in your heart all the time. For this is a deep earnest burden type of prayer.