When your cat gets in your lap, it’s a sign of trust, affection, and comfort. Here are some reasons why your cat may sit in your lap.
Author: Joel the Brave

National Kitten Day – a day for the soft baby kittens. #NationalKittenDay #KittenDay National Kitten Day Held annually on July 10 since 2015. However, it use to be observed annually on December 4th from 2013 until 2014.

The Benefits of Neutering Your Cat: A Responsible Choice for Feline Health – Neutering your cat is a crucial aspect of responsible pet ownership. This common surgical procedure offers a myriad of benefits, not only for the individual cat but also for the broader feline population and the community at large. In this article, we will explore the advantages of neutering your cat and why it is a compassionate choice for both pets and their owners.

Twas The Night Before Christmas Poem For Pets – A version of the poem for pets “‘Twas The Night Before Christmas”. Plus Some Christmas time tips for the pets.

Kangaroo grooms a cat – Arthur a rescued kangaroo helped groom a cat.
5 Ways to Keep Your Cat Happy and Healthy – While cats can be quite independent animals, they still rely on their pet parents to maintain their well-being. It’s up to pet owners to provide the adequate care, nutrition and home environment to ensure their furry friends live long and healthy lives.
cuddle with dadda hooman – I Joel the Brave cuddling with my dadda hooman.

Office kitty
Bath time – Our hooman’s took my sister, Lilly Bug, in bath room. I heard water and crying. I kept trying to rescue her by putting my paw under the door.
‘Purrrrfectly’ fun facts about black cats #BlackCats

Black Cat Holidays – National Black Cat Appreciation Day & Black Cat Day – a day to appreciation black cats. #BlackCats #BlackCatApprecationDay
Firefighter Name Tag – my hoomans got me a name tag in the shape of a firefighter badge. They got it from a flea market in Kodak, TN. It has my name and dadda hoomans phone number on it.
International Cat Day – Every August 8th is a day for us cats! This cat holiday was created in 2002 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). It may also be known as World Cat Day. This day is a day to raise awareness for us cats and ways to help us.
Muncie Police Department (MPD) thinking outside of the Litter Box for fines. In Muncie, IN if you got a parking ticket, the city was trying a new way to pay your fine by thinking outside of the litter box. Donate Cat Food or Cat Litter.
Cat Emojis – Here are some cat emojis, emoticons. #CatEmojis
Momma’s Boy – My name is Joel the Brave and I am a momma’s boy … A Proud Momma’s Boy! I love to cuddle up with my momma hooman. That is all!
My daddy hooman a super hero – He’s a hybrid super hero. Somewhere with a mix of Superman, Batman and Spiderman. That is all I wanted to share. My daddy hooman a super hero
National Therapy Animal Day – an awareness day to raise awareness for therapy animals. #TherapyAnimalDay
I am Joel the Brave and I am not a black cat, but I am a Pink Panther Covered In Magical Coal Dust. Kind of like how the dalmatian puppies in 101 Dalmatians covered them self in coal dust to look like Labradors. However, my coal dust I am covered in is permanent. That means it won’t come off!
We built this kitty to the tune of We Built This City by Starship. We built this kitty on Meow ‘N Row. That is all of the lyrics I can come up with for a cat at this time. Meow Maybe I should start a band or just go out singing solo. The Joel the Brave Band. The next hot cat band. All the lady cats will say … Meeeooow!