Bring Your Bible to School Day – Students, mark your calendar for Bring your Bible to School Day. Tell your friends, family and everyone! Share this blog post so others will know about it too. Do you know that what you bring to school says a lot about you. You can bring a lot of things to school, Why not bring your Bible? #BringYourBible #BgBg2
Category: Educational

Louisiana becomes first state requiring the Ten Commandments be displayed in public school classrooms — In a move that has sparked nationwide attention, Louisiana has become the first state to mandate the display of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms. This controversial law, signed by Republican Governor Jeff Landry, requires a poster-sized display of the Ten Commandments in “large, easily readable font” to be placed in all public classrooms, from kindergarten through state-funded universities¹.

Christian acronym for the word “Father”. It is done like a free verse acrostic poem. You can even download a free version! Written by Steve Patterson. #Father #Dad #FathersDay #DadsAreAwesome #FatherAcronym

National Teacher Day is a day to To pay tribute to American educators. Sponsored by the National Education Association, Teacher Day falls during the National PTA’s Teacher Appreciation Week. #ThankATeacher #NationalTeacherDay #TeacherDay

In God We Trust Day a day based on that is imprinted on our currency here in the United States. Our Nation was founded under One Nation under God. Anymore it seems God has been removed from everything. We Christians are just taking it and not standing up for our beliefs and allowing this to happen all because today’s world believes in being politically correct (pc) they say. Did you know there is a In God We Trust Day as well? #InGodWeTrust

Honoring Sacrifice, Empowering Futures – Folds of Honor is a beacon of hope, a nonprofit organization dedicated to honoring the tremendous sacrifices made by the brave men and women who serve in the United States military. Established with a noble mission, Folds of Honor focuses on providing educational scholarships to the spouses and children of fallen and disabled service members. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the impactful work of Folds of Honor and the ripple effect it creates in empowering the futures of those left behind.

Dr. King a look at his life and his influence including some of his ministry and education, a blog post to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. #MLKDay #MLKDay2020 #MartinLutherKingDay

Operation Christmas Child, spreading the gospel of Christ by giving children in other countries a shoebox full of goodies. Check out this list of ideas of what to stuff in a shoebox, plus things you cannot put in them. Learn more about OCC too. #OperationChristmasChild #ShoeBox #OCC #occshoeboxes

Graduation: Cap and Gown – Graduation ceremonies are steeped in tradition, the most noticeable of which may be the caps and gowns worn by students on hand to receive their degrees.

A-Z of Graduation – Pertains to graduating or what it took to graduate. #Graduation

How to show appreciation to the law enforcement community. When private citizens come into contact with law enforcement, that contact is not always made under ideal circumstances. National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (L.E.A.D.) is January 9th each year!

Proverbs 17
Proverbs 17: Day 17 of the 31 Day Proverbs Challenge. Read Chapter Seventeen of the Book of Proverbs. #Proverbs #Proverbs17 #bgbg2 #31DayProverbsChallenge

A Teacher’s Prayer in honor of all educational, church and Christian Spiritual teachers. (Wisdom, Truth, Vision and Love)

First ever recipient of Zaevion Dobson scholarship graduates from UT (University of Tennessee). That person is Uriah Richey, a pre-law student. #ZaevionDobson #UriahRichey

School Principals’ Day – A day to honor educational principals in our education system from Elementary to High School. #SchoolPrincipalsDay

Mother Goose Day – The Nursery Rhyming Goose that we grew up with has its own holiday. Learn more! #MotherGooseDay #MotherGoose

Virtual & Drive-Thru Graduation – The Class of 2020 will be a year that Graduates will never forget! Graduation has changed how we do it! #Graduation #Classof2020

Alabama Teen Starts A Prayer Locker – A Pell City High School Student, Brianna Farris, 16-years-old, started this at her high school. #PrayerLocker #BriannaFarris #PellCityHighSchool

Buddy Bench- It’s recess and the kids are having fun, running, playing with balls, swinging, etc. However, some of the kids are not enjoying in on the fun. That is where Christian Bucks done something about it. #BuddyBench @buddy_bench

This blog post talks about some stats on bullying, steps to deal with bullying and gives you some Bible verses to help you as victims of bullying or even to show you bullying is wrong.