M&M Christmas Poem Jars

This is really neat idea. Take some red and green M&M candies and fill it in a jar to make a M&M Christmas Poem Jar. Decorate the jar. Print out a card with the M&M’s going various ways. Two turned sideways, 1 to make an “E” and the other to make a “3”. Then Have one the correct way up to make a “M” and the other one upside down to make a “W”. See attached photo on what I am talking about on the orientation of the M&M Candies.

M&M Christmas Poem Jars

M&M Christmas Poem Jar

E – E is for the East where the star shone so bright.

M –M is for the Manger where the baby Jesus slept at night.

3 – 3 is for the Wisemen bearing gifts, with which they came.

W – W is for Worship, Hallelujah! Praise His name!

This M&M Christmas Poem Jars is a good way to share the gospel and hand these out as gifts, you can make these and hand these out to family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, your pastor, your youth at church or other fellow church members. Basically you can hand these out to anyone!

I haven’t made these, but they look fairly easy to make.

For more information about how to make these and also the downloadable M&M Christmas Poem card to go with it … (Click here!)

M&M Christmas Poem Jars Share on X

You might be able to put this on the back of a Kindness Rock that you paint like an M&M. I didn’t think about that, until I came across this. So far, at the time of updating this blog post, I have painted three. I will have to remember this and use it on the back in the future on any M&M Kindness Rocks I do.

This is the poem on the card & this craft idea comes from Mrs. Happy Homemaker.
This was first published December 10, 2014. Last Republished or updated December 2, 2020.

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