This ties in with my previous post, Means of Grace. This is part of Talk #7 on my Walk to Emmaus. This gives Scripture references to God’s Grace from Confirmation/Church Membership; Christian Marriage; Ordination; Prayer; Forgiveness & Healing; Baptism and Communion.
Scriptural Perspectives on Channels of God’s Grace
Confirmation/Church Membership
- Luke 2:41-52 (The Boy Jesus at the Temple)
- Matthew 4:18-22 (Jesus Calls His first Disciples)
- Matthew 28:19 (Make Disciples of All Nations, Baptizing them)
- John 6:66-68 (Words of external life)
- Joshua 24:15 (Choose who you will serve, As for me and my house, I will serve the Lord)
- Matthew 7:21-27 (True & False Disciples – The Wise & Foolish Builders)
- Romans 12:1-2 (A Living Sacrifice)
Christian Marriage
- Genesis 1:27 (Created in the image of God)
- Genesis 2:21-24 (God Created Woman from Man, man leaves family unite with woman in marriage)
- John 2:1-11 (Water into wine)
- 1 Corinthians 7:1-40 (Concerning Married Life, Change of Status and the Unmarried)
- Ephesians 4:7-16 (Grace is given)
- 1 Peter 4:10-11 (Using your gifts to serve)
- Acts 6:1-7 (Choosing of the 7)
- Acts 26:12-18 (Darkness into light)
- James 3:1 (Taming the tongue)
- Titus 1:5-9 (Appointing elders who love what is good)
- Colossians 1:18 (Head of the body, church)
- Luke 6:12 (Jesus praying)
- Luke 11:1-13 (Jesus’s teaching on prayer)
- Ephesians 3:14-19 (A prayer for the Ephesians)
- Philippians 4:6-7 (Do not be anxious, but be in prayer)
- Matthew 6:9-13 (Lord’s Prayer)
Forgiveness & Healing
- Mark 2:1-12 (Jesus forgives and heals a paralyzed man)
- Luke 7:50 (Woman’s faith saved her, told to go in peace)
- Acts 4:9 (Being asked how he was healed)
- Matthew 5:43-48 (Love your enemies)
- Matthew 6:14-15 (We must forgive others)
- John 20:20-23 (Again told to forgive others so our sins are forgiven)
- James 5:13-16 (Prayer of Faith)
- Romans 6:3-4 (Buried through Baptism)
- 1 Corinthians 12:13 (One Spirit/One Body)
- Matthew 28:18-20 (Making disciples and baptizing them)
- Ezekiel 36:26 (Heart of flesh)
- Luke 22:19-20 (Bread is the body, the cup is the blood)
- Luke 24:13-35 (The road to Emmaus, Jesus appears after his resurrection)
- John 17:20-23 (Christ in the Father and the Father in Him)
- Acts 2:42 (Continuing in prayer and breaking of bread)
- 1 Corinthians 11:23-28 (The Lord’s Supper)
Do you have any that I can add to these list? Feel free to share via comments below.