Halloween alternatives: Facts on Halloween & Bible verses that pertain to not dealing or imitate darkness, evil, spirits. Participating in Halloween may seem fun. But, there is nothing fun about playing on Satan’s playground. It does not matter how many other people are playing there with you. We should be worshiping the Lord our God and sharing his faith, not inviting the devil to have his fun. #Halloween #HalloweenAlternatives
Tag: Joshua

Did Mary Know?
Did Mary Know? We all are familiar with the Christmas Song, Mary Did You Know? This blog post discusses if Mary knew or not. #MaryDidYouKnow

International Bible Week – Celebrated near or around Thanksgiving. Formally called National Bible Week. A week to focus on the Bible. #BibleWeek #BibleCelebration

Friday the 13th & a Full Moon – This happens when a full moon occurs on a Friday with the date of 13. Which is a rare occasion. #Fridaythe13th #Friday13 #FullMoon #Moon

VOTD June 28, 2019 – “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15 KJV

Roar VBS – This VBS theme for 2019 is from Group. This theme says Life is Wild. God is Good. Find out more about these VBS theme. #RoarVBS (Life is wild. God is good.)

40 Years Old Now! I am no longer in my 30’s. I was born in 1976, I am also a bicentennial baby in the State of Tennessee. 4 decades old! What does the Bible say about forty? #40 #forty

Run To God Not Away From God – We should run to God in the trials and storms and not away from God. Run to Him even when we don’t feeling like running, going the other way or even hiding. Here are four ways to help us run to God instead of running away from God. (Includes Audio Version) #ccf #bgbg2 #podcast

Check out what this Nashville, TN memorial plaque says about Joshua 6:20 and what happened on April 19 about walls coming down in Nashville, TN.

Dial These Numbers In Case of Emergency
Dial These Numbers In Case of Emergency, where to go in the Bible to get Some help with what you may be going through.

True Love Waits
I talk about the True Love Waits, abstinence purity covenant that you make before God. I talk about what True Love Waits, why do it. I talk about adultery. I even mention that I am committed myself to True Love Waits and I am 39 years old. I also challenge others to commit too.

I had had a bit of writer’s block, as I was thinking about writer’s block, the Walls of Jericho came to mind. Read about this writer’s block and the Walls of Jericho.

What if it was illegal to go to church or witness? Worship Jesus Christ? Would you be bold and still do it facing jail, lose of job, schooling, or even death?

The Parted Waters: How many times do you think God parted waters in the Bible? 1 Time? 2 Times? You might be surprised, visit this blog post to find out the answer.

Biblical Times Dinner Theater Review
I do a review of Biblical Times Dinner in Pigeon Forge. Is the show good? How’s the food? I share my thoughts on this attraction. #Bible #PigeonForge #Dinner

Bible Gateway is your Online Bible Source. You can search by keyword or even type in the scripture verses you wish. Bible Gateway can tell you the number of times a keyword is used in that version of the Bible.You can also get Bible Gateway App for your iOs Device or Android powered device. You can use almost any tablet or smart phone to access and you can look up tons of various different translations and even compare the different translations to what that each verse says. Translations of other

Working on Bachelors of Theology at Andersonville Theological Seminary
I am starting my Bachelors of Theology at Andersonville Theological Seminary. Learn more about what I am studying and track my progress too. #theology

Books of the Old Testament and area of topic. Law, History and Poetry.
Scriptural Perspectives on Channels of God’s Grace
Scripture references to God’s Grace from Confirmation/Church Membership; Christian Marriage; Ordination; Prayer; Forgiveness & Healing; Baptism and Communion.

I resolved to be a godly father! I took the Resolution, that is the pledge off of the movie Courageous. Do you resolve to be a godly father, to be the spiritual leader of your home that God designed us to be?