Halloween alternatives: Facts on Halloween & Bible verses that pertain to not dealing or imitate darkness, evil, spirits. Participating in Halloween may seem fun. But, there is nothing fun about playing on Satan’s playground. It does not matter how many other people are playing there with you. We should be worshiping the Lord our God and sharing his faith, not inviting the devil to have his fun. #Halloween #HalloweenAlternatives

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Bring Your Bible to School Day – Students, mark your calendar for Bring your Bible to School Day. Tell your friends, family and everyone! Share this blog post so others will know about it too. Do you know that what you bring to school says a lot about you. You can bring a lot of things to school, Why not bring your Bible? #BringYourBible #BgBg2

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Power Band Witnessing Tool Braclet Printable

Power Band Witnessing Tool Bracelet (Salvation Bracelet) – A fun craft to make for church, youth group, camp, Vacation Bible School and more. A great way to share the gospel using God’s colors on a bracelet.

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April Fools Day – Atheist Day – The fool hath said in his heart there is no God and this is no foolish joke either. Find out what the Bible says about the fool. #Fool #AprilFools #AprilFoolsDay #AtheistDay

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Scoorge An Example of a New Creation

The Bible says that with Christ we are a new creation, a total change, Scrooge, is a great example of a new creation. The old is gone and the new is here. People will notice this change too. #Scrooge #Christmas #NewCreation

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National Handshake Day – I know in the Baptist faith we extended the right hand christian handshake. We use a handshake as a way of greeting someone. Some clubs and organizations have special handshakes. Did you know the the Bible tells us to greet each other with a Holy Kiss. #handshake #NationalHandShakeDay

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The Roman Road to Salvation is a way of explaining the gospel message of salvation through a series of Bible verses from the book of Romans. The basic idea is to present the gospel message in a clear and concise way, using key verses from the book of Romans. #RomansRoadtoSalvation #ABCsofSalvation

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Hidden Books of the Bible Games image

3 Hidden Books of the Bible Games Free Printables – Are three printables great for your youth group, Vacation Bible School and small groups, etc. Try to find the hidden Bible Books of the Bible in a paragraph or two of words. #HiddenBooks #HiddenBooksBible #HiddenBooksoftheBible #FreePrintables

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Your Final Destination – 10 out of 10 people die! Where will your final destination be? Is your eternal destination Heaven or Hell? (Only 2 places we will go) Plus the Video & Audio Version. #FinalDestination

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You, Sin and Christ - Simple Illustration

You, Sin and Christ – Simple Illustration is a Great illustration to show how Christ cleanses us from sin. You Sin Christ Illustration including Bible References and chemicals used. #you #sin #Christ

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