Prison-Shaking Savior – God has a way to shake things up to get our attention or the attention of those around us. Zach Williams said it great in his song, Chain Breaker. #PrisonShakingSavior #ChainBreaker
Tag: Acts

Being a Witness for Christ: Light & Salt – I talk about being a witness for Christ. Being the Salt of the Earth and the Light of the World. #Salt #Light #Witness

Power Band Witnessing Tool Bracelet (Salvation Bracelet) – A fun craft to make for church, youth group, camp, Vacation Bible School and more. A great way to share the gospel using God’s colors on a bracelet.

Pentecost – occurs 49 days after Easter, the 7th Sunday after Easter. The day when the Holy Spirit came across the people while they were in Jerusalem. This account is found in Acts 2. #Pentecost

3 Hidden Books of the Bible Games Free Printables – Are three printables great for your youth group, Vacation Bible School and small groups, etc. Try to find the hidden Bible Books of the Bible in a paragraph or two of words. #HiddenBooks #HiddenBooksBible #HiddenBooksoftheBible #FreePrintables

John Harper, Baptist Pastor, Hero aboard Titanic
John Harper was a baptist pastor & a hero aboard the Titanic, a ship they said wouldn’t sink. Find out why he is a hero! #Titanic #Titanic104 #JohnHarper #LastTitanicHero

Gospel in Every a Home – This should be a goal for all Christians, since we are ALL called to share the gospel! #GospelInEveryHome

One Human Race is what God Created! We all have been created in the image of God. We all descended of Adam and Eve. Then the flood wiped out everyone but Noah and his family. Noah’s sons started the world over again. #OneRace

The Disciples Were First Called Christians in Antioch – This is where the Bible records where the disciples were first called Christians. #Christians

VOTD November 12 – “Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord;”
Acts 3:19 NASB

VOTD July 28 – but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth. Acts 1:8 NASB

Long sermon – Have you ever been to a long sermon? In America, we think the 20-30 minutes that our pastor preaches can be long. But, there has been longer sermons. What about the longest sermon recorded?

VOTD June 10, 2019
“but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.””

Bible Basics (formally The Word of the Week) by Justin Breeden is on The Importance of the Resurrection of Christ.The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is one of the basic #BibleBasics #Easter #Resurrection

15 Facts about the Apostle Paul & Brief About His Conversion – I share with you 10 facts about the Apostle Paul from the Bible, a well-known name in the New Testament.

A License to Sin
A License to Sin. A lot of people think that because they are under grace they can do as they please, a license to sin you can call it. As Christians do we have a license to sin and live the way we want or is that license to sin denied? Find out in this blog entry.

Galactic Starveyors Vacation Bible School – Discovering The God of the Universe. Find out more about this VBS. #GalacticStarveyors

911 Babies – a website that is taking a stand against abortion and allowing women to know they have a choice. #911Babies #Abortion #Babies #ProLife

Unconditional election – God saves those He wishes. Only a few are selected for salvation. The Concept of predestination. There are no conditions on who’s elected, just that God choose those He saved. #UnconditionalElection #TULIP

Sola fide (“by faith alone”). This doctrine is based on the justification of faith and faith alone. #SolaFide #FaithAlone