God often uses the people around you to deliver an answer to your prayer – This weeks Church Sign Saturday talks about God using people around us to answer our prayers.
God often uses the people around you to deliver an answer to your prayer
This church sign comes from the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Corbin, KY. Thank you Heather of SimplySpokn who took this photo for me.
This church sign reads …
“God often uses the people around you to deliver an answer to your prayers”
We know this is true! God directs our steps. Along with the steps of others. Ever notice how things fit into place! That is God answering prayers right there. God puts people in our paths not only to witness to them, but to also answer our prayers or prayers of others.
I thank God for both Answered Prayers and Unanswered Prayers. Often, those unanswered prayers, God is saying either not now or I have something better for you.