How are the people to know unless you tell them

How are the people to know unless you tell them. We must tell others about Jesus. Every person we come in contact with is a chance to share the gospel.

How are the people to know unless you tell them

No matter if we are at work, pleasure, school or where ever we may be, the person we come in contact with is a chance to witness and share the gospel. The people won’t know unless we share the good news. If you have followed my blog, I write a lot about sharing the gospel. There are very similar blog post on evangelizing and going out and doing The Great Commission.In this blog post are just a few of the blog post of many about sharing the good news.

How are the people to know unless you tell them

The Great Instruction – The Great Commission

Church is Called

We were commanded to share the good news. It wasn’t something that we keep to ourselves but to share with others. We are told to GO!  That means share to gospel to everyone we meet. We will answer to God for those we were suppose to share the gospel with and didn’t. He gives us many chances each day to share the good news of Christ. But too often we don’t speak up and share. Who is the church? Hint! It’s not the building! It’s the people!

The Church Is Called To Go Out Not To Sit And Wait For Them To Come

A Vision?

The people won’t know unless we share and speak to them. Start out with simple talk. Then you can move into sharing the gospel. We just are told to share! Then we let the Holy Spirit do the rest of the work. We are like a garden. Sometimes we plant a seed. Other times we may water it. There might be times we tend to it or harvest. But the saving only comes from the Holy Spirit. It is nothing we do, but how the Holy Spirit uses us and them. So we must share to the people. Today we have lost the vision to see the lost saved. When we don’t have a vision the people will perish too.

Without a vision the people will perish

Feel free to search this blog and subscribe to read more about sharing the good news. Jesus is coming soon! We are never promised tomorrow. None of us are, that is why it’s so urgent to share right on the spot! Don’t put it off!

About the Author

Author: Steve Patterson

A Christian Blogger that enjoys blogging about the Bible, Theology, God, Jesus Christ, Christian Music, Family, Cats, Odd Holidays, sewing and much more. I have been blogging since 2004, however, I have been blogging on Courageous Christian Father since 2012. I enjoy listening to Christian Music. I am married with 1 daughter, 2 step-sons and a step daughter.

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