Using Kindness Rocks To Share The Gospel

Using kindness rocks to share the gospel – You can use Kindness Rocks to share the gospel! #KindnessRocks

Using Kindness Rocks To Share The Gospel

Kindness Rocks are painted rocks you hide for others to find. You can paint anything on them that you want. Being very creative at that too. I did that when I painted over 100 of them for Xtreme Winter in Gatlinburg, TN. I painted Bible verses and more on them. You can do the same. Spread the Gospel Message of Christ by painting them on kindness rocks and hiding them. I even decorated them with the Christian Bands.

Below are some of the Bible Verse Kindness Rocks I did. I painted it white. Then I used marker and made it look like notebook paper. Then I used marker to write the Bible verses. Once that dried, I added a clear coat on it. Be careful doing that, if the marker is not dry or you put the clear coat too heavy the marker seems to smear.

These work great at youth and children functions to hide. At the Xtreme Winter on the jumbo tron, I kept seeing youth post they found a rock or I could hear chatter of youth finding them.

Using kindness rocks to share the gospel - You can use Kindness Rocks to share the gospel! (Kindness Rocks with Bible Verses On them)  #KindnessRocks


Kindness Rocks



About the Author

Author: Steve Patterson

A Christian Blogger that enjoys blogging about the Bible, Theology, God, Jesus Christ, Christian Music, Family, Cats, Odd Holidays, sewing and much more. I have been blogging since 2004, however, I have been blogging on Courageous Christian Father since 2012. I enjoy listening to Christian Music. I am married with 1 daughter, 2 step-sons and a step daughter.

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