Pro-life means ALL life has dignity, including those on death-row or those wanting to be euthanized. You don’t get to pick and choose. As one Tweet going around stated.
When you think a pro-life you think about standing up against abortions. Which abortion is murder. But what about the death penalty like the gas chamber, the electric chair and lethal injection? What about euthanasia (putting the terminally ill, sick, elderly, etc. to sleep)? Anything that can take another persons life.
Choose life!
[pullquote]If you aren’t Pro-Life, then you are Pro-Death![/pullquote]
I would hope and pray that you choose life. Remember only God is the one that is allowed to take life. He created life and he can take life. God even knew us before we were knitted (conceived) in our mother’s womb. See Psalm 139:13-14. Life is a precious gift that God gives us.
Deuteronomy 30:19
“I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;”
I like what Eddie DeHart of 911 Babies said to me talking on the phone one day. He said, “If you aren’t Pro-Life, then you are Pro-Death”. That statement is very true if you think about it. You are either for life or death. The opposite of life is death and vise-versa, the opposite of death is life.
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