I am a murderer, on two counts and you are too. I figured that would get your attention! We all are murders in one way even without killing someone ourselves.
Category: Murder
This is the full YouTube video from Ray Comfort and Way of the Master “180”. this video talks about the Holocaust. It parallels it to abortion & murder. This is a very good documentary a must watch. Comfort talks to people and ask them who Adolf Hitler is. See what people think he was in this video. Comfort also does the good person test.
![Legal to Kill Babies, Illegal to give Lethal Injection to Murders in New York. Yes, there is sad news coming out of New York ... The legality of abortion. - Vial With Pentobarbital Used For Euthanasia And Lethal Injection In A Hospital](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/vial-pentobarbital-used-euthanasia-lethal-791956057.jpg)
Legal to Kill Babies, Illegal to give Lethal Injection to Murders in New York. Yes, there is sad news coming out of New York … The legality of abortion.
![Abortion means they kill babies! 911Babies.com](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/abortionmeanstheykillbabies-911babies.jpg)
911 Babies Post: Sorry if I offended you about the truth of abortion. Hmmm… no I don’t believe those are words that I will ever use. Too many claim to be offended by the messages … Eddie DeHart
![Pro-Life - If you aren't Pro-Life, then you are Pro-Death! - Eddie DeHart - 911Babies.com](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/ProLife.jpg)
Pro-life means ALL life has dignity, including those on death-row or those wanting to be euthanized. You don’t get to pick and choose. #ProLife #911Babies
![Cup of Coffee](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/cupCoffee.jpg)
It is interesting to see how much is said about taking Merry Christmas off a coffee cup but lack of standing up for abortion and traditional marriage.
![Light Shone for Saul](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/lightshonesaul.png)
Acts 9:1-4 – Light Shone for Saul
Acts 9:1-4 – Light Shone for Saul. I talk about how Saul saw the light, the light of Christ. He stopped persecuting Christians and became a Christian and then came known as Paul.
![Wendy's Share Your Heart Cup](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Wendys-ShareYourHeartCup.jpg)
Wendy’s is donating money every time you share your heart for adoption. #Share4Adoption
![abortion adoption image](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/abortion-adoption-image1.jpg)
Abortion is murder. I talk about how Abortion is wrong and is murder according to God. Plus maybe try Adoption instead. #Abortion #Adoption #Murder
![Heart Wrenching Forgiveness](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/heart-wrenching-forgiveness-vide.jpg)
Heart Wrenching Forgiveness Video
A moving forgiveness moment of a family of one of the victims from Emanuel AME Church shooting in Charleston, SC, to gunman Dylann Roof. #forgiveness #charlestonshooting
![You Aborted Them Comic](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/abortedcomic.jpg)
Check out this comic of this guy yelling about why at God and his response was you aborted them. This comic is on abortion.
![Yes On 1 Logo](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Yes-on-1-logo.png)
Calling Tennessee to Vote Yes on 1 to help save lives. What is yes on 1? Why should I vote Yes on 1? #yeson1tn