Happy New Year | Feliz año nuevo | bonne année – A Happy New Year Greeting from Courageous Christian Father. #2022 #HappyNewYear #NewYearsDay #NewYears
Baby New Year we see this baby all the time when it comes to the first of the year. Find out about the origin of Baby New Year. #BabyNewYear #NewYearsBaby #2022 #NewYearsDay
20+ Lucky Foods from Around the World to Ring in the New Year: Various cultures have specific foods associated with good luck for the New Year. In the southern United States, eating black-eyed peas and greens on New Year’s Day is believed to bring prosperity and good fortune for the year ahead. Similarly, in Japan, it’s customary to eat toshikoshi soba, a type of noodle dish, for longevity and prosperity.
When the new year begins across the globe – The following rundown shows when the new year will be celebrated in various areas across the globe and what time it will be in New York when revelers in those countries are officially ringing in the New Year! #NewYears
New Year’s traditions around the world – New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day traditions vary across the globe. The following is a look at the unique ways people ring in the new year throughout the world. #NewYears
My First Christmas without My Mom — my mom, Paula Patterson, passed away a few months ago and this was my first Christmas without my mom. I share my experience in this blog post.
Christmas Drip Candle Candelabras — I share about an experience when I was young changing one of the light bulbs on a set where the bulb popped.
I want to take this time to wish all my readers and their families a very Merry ChristMas. Check out these Christmas related blog post. Jesus is the reason for this Season. Christmas is about celebrating our Saviors Birth, Jesus Christ. #MerryCHRISTmas #CHRISTmas
The Christmas Star or known as the Star of Bethlehem which was the brightest star that led the way for those to witness the birth of the Messiah … Jesus Christ.
I share with you the actual Christmas story about the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, that was told by Luke in the Gospel of Luke Chapter 2. Plus a free Printable version. #Christmas #ChristmasStory
Christmas Traditions – These are traditions or things we do or have always did because our family has done them. #ChristmasTraditions
Just one more sleep ‘til Christmas – it’s Christmas Eve and the song from the Muppets Christmas Carol resound in my mind.
Good Things Come in Small Packages — is a saying my mom would always say because she was a short woman.
Christmas Blog Posts – This is a list of Christmas and winter-related blog posts found on Courageous Christian Father.
Human Heater — that is something my mom would always say about me. She’d say that because it seemed I always gave off a good bit of body heat.
How I Found Out About Santa Claus — Recently I was talking to group of people about telling kids the truth about Santa Claus and it put in my memory when I was a young kid and when I found out. How I Found Out About Santa Claus If you don’t know, my mom recently passed away and it is interesting how certain things bring back suppressed memories or memories long forgotten. I plan to try to blog about it as part of my grief healing. I overheard or walked
The Origin of the Phrase “God Bless You” — When someone sneezes, it’s almost instinctive to say “God bless you.” This phrase, which has become a universal reaction in many cultures, has a history that’s as rich as it is fascinating.
Finishing the Race: A Lesson in PerseveranceA Reflection on Paul’s Epistle and Stephen Akhwari — Paul’s words, penned in 2 Timothy 4:7, towards the end of his earthly journey, resonate deeply with athletes and spiritual seekers alike. They encapsulate the essence of perseverance, the unwavering determination to see a task through to the end. Finishing the Race: A Lesson in PerseveranceA Reflection on Paul’s Epistle and Stephen Akhwari “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7 One athlete who
Love of God is first displayed on the Cross. Then it is also shown by other believers.