Your Cup – Is your cup half empty? half full? over flowing? (Pessimist, Optimist and a Psalmist. I like this image I saw shared on Facebook. A pessimist, is a person who tends to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen. While an optimist, is a person who tends to be hopeful and confident about the future or the success of something.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
Psalm 23:5 NASB
You have anointed my head with oil;
My cup overflows.
Here the psalmist knew that the Lord will provide and provide abundantly. He gives us extra to share with others, not to hoard and keep to our selves. In this case, this psalmist was King David. I hope that yours is not half full or half empty, but is over flowing. If you see someones cup half full or half empty and yours is over flowing, allow that over flow to fill up their cup!
Half Full? Half Empty? A great blog post I wrote a while back, that I got that idea from a Zaxby’s Cup. Read more about that in the blog post it talks about refilling!
I am not sure who made this graphic, but it was so cool that I had to share it. If you know, please let me know!
Very nice, thank you Steve Patterson
Thanks, But I didn’t write what was in the image or create the image. I am not sure who did. But I did blog about what the image said. Thanks for the comment.