Category: Hope
Finding Hope When You’re Up the Creek Without a Paddle
Finding Hope When You’re Up the Creek Without a Paddle — Life has a way of tossing us into turbulent waters. Sometimes, we find ourselves up the creek without a paddle—struggling against the current, feeling overwhelmed, and wondering how we’ll ever make it through. But as followers of Christ, we have a promise: God is with us even in the roughest rapids. #bgbg2
Therefore I Have Hope by Cameron Cole
Therefore I Have Hope by Cameron Cole – The quest for hope becomes not just a desire but a necessity. Cameron Cole’s book, “Therefore I Have Hope,” offers a profound exploration of finding hope amidst profound grief and loss. Through his personal journey of tragedy and faith, Cole provides a beacon of light for those navigating their own dark nights of the soul.
Day of Hope
Day of Hope — Hope serves as a guiding light, a beacon of resilience that propels us forward even in the face of adversity. Every year, on the 24th of February, people around the globe come together to celebrate the Day of Hope—a day dedicated to fostering optimism, resilience, and a belief in better tomorrows.
On The Third Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave To Me
Find out when and what was given on the third day of Christmas and its hidden meaning from my true love gave to me in the 12 Days of Christmas. #ThirdDayofChristmas #Christmas #12DaysofChristmas
Convoy of Hope Ministry: Bringing Hope and Help to Those in Need
Convoy of Hope Ministry: Bringing Hope and Help to Those in Need – When disaster strikes or communities are facing poverty and hunger, the Convoy of Hope ministry is there to lend a helping hand. This remarkable organization has been making a lasting impact on the lives of thousands around the world for over 25 years. With their passion and dedication, they strive to bring hope, provide resources, and empower individuals and communities in need. #ConvoyofHope
The Anchor A Symbol of Hope
The Anchor A Symbol of Hope – The anchor is a symbol of Hope, strength, security and resilience and the anchor has been said often to also resemble a cross. In this blog post I share about the anchor. #anchor #bgbg2 #hope
31 Day Proverbs Challenge
31 Day Proverbs Challenge – Proverbs Challenge: The 31 Day Proverbs Challenge is a challenge to read the Book of Proverbs in 31 days.Read one chapter per day for 31 days. Also includes a free Printable Checklist.
VOTD May 3
VOTD May 3 – “And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” Romans 5:3-5 NASB
Graham helps bring prayer, hope and healing with Decision Texas: The Lone Star Tour
Graham helps bring prayer, hope and healing with Decision Texas: The Lone Star Tour. Franklin Graham, who was in Texas shortly after Hurricane Harvey with chaplains and relief teams from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse, which are now working in five locations across the state to help people who have suffered storm and flood damage, will return next month with Decision Texas: The Lone Star Tour. Graham will be asking Texans to join him in praying for recovery not only from the storm, but for the miracle America desperately needs to solve the political, racial and cultural divisions plaguing our country. #DecisionTexas #LoneStarTour
Hope Acronym
Hope Acronym – I am sharing this with you. I saw this on a business sign. It was an acronym for the word Hope. I share two different acronyms for the word hope. #Hope #HopeAcronym
Turning Up the Volume
Turning Up the Volume – There are times we need to turn up the volume too. Speaking the Word of God Boldly!This post is turning up the volume. I am not talking about turning up the volume of the World, but boldly speaking the Word of God against the opposition. We must speak loud and proud over the world noise to be heard.
Pressure Makes Diamonds
We are are sinful and we all face pressure of some type of testing of our faith from time to time. The pressure can form us from the carbon sinful person to precious diamonds. #diamonds
Sermon on Sleeping
You can rest, sleep, knowing that God has your back. David fell asleep amongst great turmoil that was approaching him. We should show the same faith as he did in God.
Red Alert! Raise your Shields!
Shield of Faith. Having the shield of faith. You have Faith in God. You trust in God and He will take care of you. He will take away all fire and evil by having the shield of faith. Red Alert! Raise your shields. #bgbg2