Pirate Themed Trunk or Treat -The Pirate Chest and Pirate Ring Toss Game were a success for Trunk or Treat.
Pirate Themed Trunk or Treat
I dress up as a pirate pretty much every year for trunk-or-treats. I am called Cap’n ChristianBlogR. The back of my pirate costume says this pirate is a follower of Christ.
Evey the Pirate Ring Toss game has Lay Your Treasures In Heaven!
Both the Pirate Chest and the Pirate Ring Toss Game was a huge hit at Trunk or Treats. The kids kept wanting to play the ring toss game and loved digging through the chest full of goodies to see what they could find. The downside, it did take awhile, as the kids were combing through the pirate chest, but they did love doing it. Oh yea, I think the parents just loved the children getting the whistles and noisy toys.
Oh yea! My red car is called the The Red Pearl.
Well on this day or when I am dressed up like a pirate. Other than that, she is called Red or Lil’ Red.
Thank you Nicole for taking this picture of us for us.
We also handed out Gospel of Mark Books and Two different Salvation Poem Booklets for Kids.
Oh yea, some kids kept coming back wanting to get more items from the Pirate Chest. I guess it is because it is similar to the rewards they may get to do a school and/or a doctor or dentist visit. I also think we needed more infant items, as most of these trinkets were too small.