Zaxby’s Jabs at Chick-fil-A for being closed on Sunday in Super Bowl Commercial. #Zaxbys #ChickFilA #SuperBowl
In this Super Bowl Commercial, former NFL player Jeff Saturday and former Major League Baseball player Rick Monday walking up to a Zaxby’s restaurant. An announcer says,
“The only thing that comes between them is where to go for chicken on Sunday.”
“You think they’re closed?” Saturday asks as he tries to pull the door open.
Monday then tells him to “push” the door, not pull it. After that, they sit down and eat.
The announcer concludes, “Hand-breaded chicken, fresh-made salads and world-famous sauces. On Sunday and every day, only at Zaxby’s.”
Zaxby’s YouTube channel titled the commercial, “Zaxby’s Sunday (And Every Day) Chicken.”
Chick-fil-A was never mentioned in the ad, but everyone knows they are closed on Sundays. Thus ad has backfired on Zaxby’s. People are saying it is an indirect jab at Chick-fil-A.
Unbelievable how you have to talk down to a competitor for closing on Sunday. Not sure how this promotes your business. Done!
Kevin Mings wrote on Zaxby’s Facebook page
I see this ad and even though they don’t say Chick-fil-A, I believe it was a jab at them being closed. Cath Truett, who now is passed away, said it was the best thing to happen to Chick-fil-A, being closed on Sundays.
All of this comes from the one Chick-fil-A inside the Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, GA staying closed during the Super Bowl on Sunday, February 3, 2019.
This ad not only got talked about by many people. It did earn Chick-fil-A some free PR at Zaxby’s expense. I hope this helps Chick-fil-A!
What are your thoughts?
Feel free to share your thoughts of this commercial. Is there any other known chicken places closed on Sunday? Feel free to share in the comments below.