The rainbow is a covenant from God, a beautiful gift that God gave us along with a covenant from God. I even share what others have told me the rainbow means to them. #Rainbow #God
Tag: Rainbow

Skittles you are wrong the only rainbow that matters is God’s Rainbow which you claim Is the Pride rainbow in this display. #Skittles #Rainbow

What is a rainbow baby? When we think of a rainbow we know about God’s Covenant including twisted versions too. Click to find out what a Rainbow Baby is. #RainbowBaby #Rainbow

Bible Stories of the Sea
Set sail and discover some Bible stories of the sea like a family survives the great flood, a man swallowed by a whale and lives, hundreds shipwrecked, sea turned to blood, the parted waters and more. #BibleStoriesOfTheSea

Cumberland Falls & the Moonbow – Check out this beautiful waterfall in this weeks Travel Thursday. This site is also popular due to it is one of a few places you can see a moonbow during a Full Moon. #CumberlandFalls #Moonbow

The Ark Encounter Lit Up Rainbow Colors to show support that the rainbow belongs to God and His covenant after the Flood. #ArkEncounter #Rainbow

2015 Annual Report for Courageous Christian Father. Find out all the stats from 2015. How many blog post published, top 10 blog post, longest streak, top referring sites, posting patterns and much more.

Homosexuality is a behavior billboard
I talk and discuss about a controversial billboard. Homosexuality is a behavior billboard. I share Bible verses and more.

A Family survives the Great Flood, becomes the only surviving family after the flood. They managed to save animals too. Find out about this family. #Flood