November Facts

November Facts – There is much to be thankful for in November. Here’s a look at some of the interesting facts about the month. #November #NovemberFacts

November Facts

November Facts - There is much to be thankful for in November. Here's a look at some of the interesting facts about the month. #November #NovemberFacts
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· Many elections take place in the United States on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

· November used to be the ninth month of the calendar of Romulus. That all changed when the calendar was modified and January and February were added.

· November is 30 days long. It is one of four months that last 30 days.

· November is the last full month of the fall season in the northern hemisphere.

· The chrysanthemum is the flower of November, which is fitting since so many mums are seen during the fall.

· November’s birthstones are topaz and citrine.

· People born in November fall under the zodiac signs of Scorpio or Sagittarius.

· Veterans are commemorated in both Canada and the United States each year on November 11. (Veteran’s Day!)

· November’s full moon is known as the Beaver Moon. Algonquin tribes and colonial Americans would use the month to set beaver traps before the swamps froze to ensure a supply of furs for the winter. It is also sometimes called the Full Frost Moon.

· According to folklore and The Farmer’s Almanac: “Ice in November brings mud in December.”

We also celebrate Thanksgiving during this month in the United States.

Often men will skip shaving this month for No Shave November.

Article compliments of MetroCreative. TF19B438 First Published October 25, 2019. Last updated or republished November 1, 2023.

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