The Teal Pumpkin Project – Teal is the new Orange! – Help save God’s children by not giving them allergen containing treats, but other gifts instead. Plus raising awareness of food allergies during Trick or Treats or Trunk or Treats. Did you know that 1 in 13 children have a form of food allergy? #TealPumpkinProject #TealPumpkin #Halloween #Teal #FoodAllergies #FACET #FARE
Tag: Youth

National Donut Day – a day to get free donuts! Find out where to score a free donut. Plus I mention donut in the Bible. I use a play on words. Do Not! Get it? #NationalDonutDay #DonutDay

Power Band Witnessing Tool Bracelet (Salvation Bracelet) – A fun craft to make for church, youth group, camp, Vacation Bible School and more. A great way to share the gospel using God’s colors on a bracelet.

A Wave of Renewal: The Unite Event at Thompson-Boling Arena — In the heart of Knoxville, a remarkable event unfolded at the Thompson-Boling Arena, where a sea of young hearts gathered, united by faith and a yearning for spiritual awakening. The Unite event, a beacon of hope and transformation, welcomed over 5,500 students from the University of Tennessee, each carrying their own stories, struggles, and hopes¹². A Wave of Renewal: The Unite Event at Thompson-Boling Arena As the arena filled with the sound of worship led by Passion featuring Kristian

Giant Colorful Iced Marbles – During winter fill balloons with water and add food coloring, once frozen cut the balloons off & they look like giant marbles or Christmas decorations.

Blessing Jar! Start the New Year off right! How about a great way to remember the blessings God has given you by using a mason jar, paper and a pen. Do this for one year and at the end of year, you can see and count all the blessings. #BlessingJar

Judgement House
Judgement House changing lives w/walk-through drama presentation of the gospel. See what it would be like to accept or reject Jesus w/portrayals of heaven & hell. #JudgementHouse

Proverbs 22: Day 22 of the 31 Day Proverbs Challenge. Read Chapter Twenty Two of the Book of Proverbs. #Proverbs #Proverbs22 #bgbg2 #31DayProverbsChallenge

Teens can now bring hope and encouragement of the Gospel to their friends “virtually” through the Life in 6 Words app – Dare 2 Share Ministries’ Life in 6 Words mobile app now allows students to share the Gospel in their own words, from the safety of their own homes.

Think Green (Reuse or Recycle) Those Christmas Cards that you get. Don’t just toss them in the garbage. Bring new life to these Christmas Cards. (Greeting Cards)

Check out this creative idea for Christmas using M&M’s, a jar, decoration and a simple Christmas Poem to make A M&M Christmas Poem Jar. Just move the M to make a M, W, 3 and E. #ChristmasPoem #ChristmasPoemJars

Halloween Is More Dangerous on a Saturday – Just think about that a moment. More people are off of work. Not to mention more people will party and drink and much more!

Parents can exercise caution with youth-based social apps – Parents must educate themselves about the popular apps their tweens and teens may be using and weigh their pros and cons. Here’s a list of apps every parent should know in 2020.

Earth Science Week – Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam has proclaimed October 8 through October 14 Earth Science Week in Tennessee, which will promote the important role that geology and other earth sciences play in Tennessee’s safety, health, welfare and economy, and awareness of the dynamic interactions of the planet’s natural systems.

National Bowling Day is held annually on the second Saturday of August each year. This is a day that we celebration one of America’s favorite past times, Bowling. Maybe you can take your church group bowling this day. #bowling

The ABC’s of Praying for Students
The ABC’s of Praying for Students. It goes from A to Z and gives a Bible reference with each word of the alphabet. From Attitude to Zeal. Back to School #bgbg2 #PrayingForStudents #BacktoSchool #ABCsPrayingForStudents

National Ice Cream Day, a great day to take the family and eat some ice cream, plus a great way to witness or hand out gospel tracts. Find out when it is and what it is. #NationalIceCreamDay

the life book movement saturating the schools with the gospel
Are you a youth leader, minister or director or even pastor of church? Would you like to get your youth involved in handing out the Gospel in their school and to their friends/peers? #thelifebook #lifebook #ccf #SYATP #SeeYouAtThePole #WECryOut

A Simple Recipe by CenterCutCook to make Campfire Cones, these are similar to S’mores and look just yummy and easy to make. #CampfireCones

October is Pastor Appreciation month. I would like to take this time to appreciate Pastor Justin Breeden. A Great friend and mentor in the Word of God. #PastorAppreciation #JustinBreeden