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Man can pass a law saying it’s legal for same-sex marriage, but God’s law trumps all laws. We answer to God on judgement day. Woe is a Nation who turns away from God. #Marriage

I will always stand firm on true Biblical Marriage between One Man and One Woman. Nothing can change my mind on that. God’s word is final!

We all have to answer to God on judgement day not man. No matter what laws get passed in countries, those laws don’t matter. The only thing that matters is God’s Law and the acceptance of Jesus Christ His son. Just because Jesus died for our sins, doesn’t mean we have a License to Sin. God is in control, always has been and always will be. God will punish us a Nation. Like he has before in the past.

First we had the Great Flood. We even had Sodom and Gomorah in Genesis 19:1-36

Next time God will punish with fire. Fire will purify. Like fire purifies gold and silver and precious metals. Judgement Day is coming and sooner than we think. But know one knows when the End of the World will be. Live as if Christ is coming today! Read 2 Corinthians 5:10 (below)

10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.

Recently, June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court has approved same-sex marriage and defiling God’s Law of Marriage. We can tell we are living in the end of times when good is seen as bad and bad is seen as good. The Bible warns us of that. See Isaiah 5:20

Leviticus 18:22 that reads

“You shall not lie with a man as with a woman. It is an abomination. – God”

Marriage: Is One Man, One Woman, Period! According to God’s Word and Law!

Did you know that homosexuality is a behavior, a choice.

The Bible warns us about trusting in Man instead of God. We are living in the end of times for sure. See Jeremiah 17:5

“Cursed is the man who trusts in man
And makes flesh his strength,
Whose heart departs from the Lord.

Even Isaiah 1:4

Alas, sinful nation,
A people laden with iniquity,
A brood of evildoers,
Children who are corrupters!
They have forsaken the Lord,
They have provoked to anger
The Holy One of Israel,
They have turned away backward.

Even David in Psalm 33:12 knew we must trust in God as a nation so we can be blessed.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
The people He has chosen as His own inheritance.

We are for sure living in the end of times. Our Nation is turing away from God quicker than the speed of light it seems. However, us Christians need to stand up and be bold. We are being a coward and allowing those who don’t believe take control. We are not being the voice and we are not standing up. We are not being the light. If we were being the light, we would be reaching these people before they influence us. Remember Science, Light travels fast. Faster then sound. Jesus is the light and we have Jesus is us we must be the light to the world.

Audacity a movie about homosexuality by Ray Comfort and Living Waters is out on DVD now, but will be on YouTube by August 19.

From Living Waters, creators of the award-winning TV program “The Way of the Master” and the hit movies “180” and “Evolution vs. God,” comes the powerful film “Audacity.” Executive produced by TV co-host and best-selling author Ray Comfort (Hell’s Best Kept Secret, Scientific Facts in the Bible), this film delivers an unexpected, eye-opening look at the controversial topic of homosexuality.

Peter (Travis Owens) is an aspiring comedian encouraged by his friend Ben (Ben Price, Australia’s Got Talent finalist) to perform at the local comedy club. But stage fright isn’t Peter’s only fear. When confronted with one of today’s most divisive issues, he feels compelled to speak, but can he? Challenged by his coworker Diana (Molly Ritter) to defend his convictions about homosexuality and gay marriage, will he have the courage to stand for what he believes—even at the risk of losing a friendship? And how will he respond when faced with a harrowing life-or-death experience?

“Audacity” uses a unique approach to address a very sensitive subject in contemporary society. Regardless of your views on homosexuality, you’ll gain fresh insights and a new perspective.

Below is a trailer to the movie Audacity. Once this video is on YouTube, I will share it on here. So follow so you won’t miss that blog post!


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