Deter Smartphone Thefts & Protect Your Data might be a safe thing to do with your smart phone enabled device. It can be easy to leave your device somewhere and another person swipe and your device to never been seen and the data on it to be recovered by them.
Category: Tips

Robocalls, or unsolicited prerecorded calls and SPAM text messages from businesses or organizations, aren’t only annoying, but illegal under federal law if sent to your mobile device without your consent. #RoboCalls

Here are some Fall Car Care Tips to prepare your car for fall and the upcoming colder weather.

Three Ways To Avoid Being Visually Hacked while we are in public using our mobile devices or laptops from prying eyes to snoop that are around us.

Strawberries good for the heart and may help diabetes, tips to enjoy strawberries, keeping strawberries, and 12 reasons to enjoy strawberries. #strawberries

How to get unplugged: While technology can be convenient, many people find themselves spending more time on their devices than they might prefer.

Safety on the Road: Technology can help reduce your risk by improving your awareness behind the wheel, no matter how old your vehicle may be. #StoptheText

Pauline Gilmer from Chattanooga, TN shows how an easy and quick way to slice watermelon into cubes in this video. #watermelon

When hitting open waters this season, safety should be a top priority for passengers AND the boat itself! Before setting sail, check out these 10 helpful tips to keep everyone onboard and your boat safe.

A recipe on how to make the best corn on the cob that you have to boil. You only need to add a few extra things in the water as you boil the corn. It is very simple!

How To Keep Soft Cookies Soft By Adding One Thing Soft Cookies are my favorite type of cookies. A tip to help keep those cookies staying soft and not hard.

I share a tip on how to Prevent Food From Getting Soggy In a Cooler, for when you go on that next trip with the youth, church or family and you have food and a cooler.

Quick Guide: #X (Pound X) Before You Drive so others will know What is #X? Do you use #X? Has someone sent you #X? Find out about #X. #PoundX #StoptheText

If God’s Important to you, then why isn’t He in your profiles? Most of all of us are Online. We have Twitter, Facebook or if we are single, dating profiles. We all say He is first, but we don’t make mention of Him in our profiles. How can others tell He is first if we don’t make mention of Him there?

Do not take out a Title Pawn loan. This blog post talks about an experience and why I believe you shouldn’t take a title pawn out on your vehicle.

Tract pack, a gospel backpack, or bag, sack to carry your gospel tracts, Bibles, Gospels, and/or Christian Books in while you go out witnessing and handing out tracts.

Growth Through Study comes from studying the Bible and learning more about Jesus and God.

I talk and review my thoughts about the fitbit Ultra Tracker pedometer. It is more then a pedometer. It can track steps, distance, calories burned, sleep and even stairs climbed. Find out my review by reading this blog entry.

I resolved to be a godly father! I took the Resolution, that is the pledge off of the movie Courageous. Do you resolve to be a godly father, to be the spiritual leader of your home that God designed us to be?

To Succeed you need the 3 D’s. Read my post to find out what those three D’s are.