Burnt Bible Page Found at Dollywood from the Wildfires
McCord found this page while he was helping to clean and clear up the park. Knoxville News Sentinel reported this statement. “Gripping his rake, he revisited a spot in Craftsman Valley he had skimmed over after his co-worker, Misty Carver, quipped, “Is that how you clean your room?” Provoked, he said he had started “really getting in the nooks and crannies” under a park bench when he caught a glimpse of a piece of paper lying in a puddle of water — soggy, seared and torn in two.”1
What is most interesting about this story is where the burnt Bible page is at in the Bible. This Burnt Bible Page was found near the first chapter of Joel. You can see in the pull quote below. Also, the Joel 1:13-20, is also shown below.
We can say fires have destroyed the trees and the fields for us in The Great Smoky Mountains National Park area. God may be just trying to tell us something with these wildfires! Is He trying to get our attention?
It was also reported that
, wasn’t really active in church or read his Bible much, but he plans to look more into being more active after this. McCord, also plans to frame this burnt Bible page. Seeing this burnt Bible Page from Joel also brought McCord to tears over the people being displaced by the wildfires that hit the Gatlinburg, TN and Pigeon Forge areas hard.
Joel 1:13-20 King James Version (KJV)
13 Gird yourselves, and lament, ye priests: howl, ye ministers of the altar: come, lie all night in sackcloth, ye ministers of my God: for the meat offering and the drink offering is withholden from the house of your God.
[pullquote]”To you, O Lord to thee will I cry: for the fire hath devoured the pastures of the wilderness, and the flame hath burned all the trees of the field. The beasts of the field cry also unto thee: for the rivers of waters are dried up, and the fire hath devoured the pastures of the wilderness.” – Joel 1:19-20, King James Version[/pullquote]
14 Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the Lord your God, and cry unto the Lord,
15 Alas for the day! for the day of the Lord is at hand, and as a destruction from the Almighty shall it come.
16 Is not the meat cut off before our eyes, yea, joy and gladness from the house of our God?
17 The seed is rotten under their clods, the garners are laid desolate, the barns are broken down; for the corn is withered.
18 How do the beasts groan! the herds of cattle are perplexed, because they have no pasture; yea, the flocks of sheep are made desolate.
19 O Lord, to thee will I cry: for the fire hath devoured the pastures of the wilderness, and the flame hath burned all the trees of the field.
20 The beasts of the field cry also unto thee: for the rivers of waters are dried up, and the fire hath devoured the pastures of the wilderness.
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I have thought for years that our extreme weather we suffer with – fires, floods, heat, drought, tornadoes, blizzards (like never before on record) are God telling us that we need to look to HIM now, and turn from our evil ways.
Yeap, I believe He is trying to get our attention and show we must depend on Him and Him alone.
It strikes me that until the past few years the national news said little about weather unless it was a Katrina or her equal. now it is nearly daily that there is fierce weather in this nation. Hello! Perhaps ‘climate change’ is a message from the Creator!
God is in control and will do as He pleases with the weather to chastise us, bring us to repentance & dependence on Him or to bless us.
absolutely right, but He does take extreme measures to get our attention. As it says in Revelation many just harden their hearts and refuse to bow the knee
The extreme measure will be the last day on judgement day.
It’s amazing to me how God pursues us and will use extreme measures to speak if necessary. Anything at all could have been on the ground in the ashes… a page from the Law, a scrap from the maps, or a scrap from a newspaper for that matter. That it was that portion, at that time, in that place is not a coincidence. I certainly hope that this man (as well as anyone else who reads this story) will consider carefully what is on those pages and seriously contemplate their relationship with the Lord… because the truth is that “the day of the Lord is at hand,” and for those who are not protected by the saving blood of Jesus, that day it will be an everlasting “destruction from the Almighty.” The time to respond is NOW. You may not get another chance. Thanks for sharing a cool story Steve
Amen to that. God does have a purpose for that page and section to be seen. Like the titanic Bible the pages where it opened to when they went to display it.
More and more we are finding proof that we are close to the end of days. Jesus is coming! He is setting the stage.
Yeap that’s it. God is sending us messages. We are in the end times.