No Orange Clothes Day commemorates the day in 1784 when the wearing of orange was banned in the Netherlands. That is because Orange is the color of the Dutch royal family.
Tag: Orange

World MS Day – MS is short for Multiple Sclerosis. This day is a day to help raise awareness of MS. #WorldMSDay #MSDay #MSConnections

Wearing orange instead of Green on St. Patrick’s Day and other colors worn — As St. Patrick’s Day approaches, the world dons various shades of green to celebrate Irish culture and heritage. However, a growing number of Christians are choosing to wear orange instead, symbolizing a different aspect of Ireland’s history and religious landscape.

Jelly Bean Prayer – Jelly Bean Gospel a way to use the colors of jelly beans to share the gospel. Includes free printable version! National Jelly Bean Day.
#JellyBeanPrayer #JellyBeanGospel #JellyBeanDay #JellyBeans #JellyBean #Easter #prayer

Neyland Stadium the football arena for the University of Tennessee Vols. I have had several opportunities to be inside this stadium in my life time. #NeylandStadium #GBO #Vols #VFL

What is “Give ’em the Vol?” Did you know that Vol fans have a hand signal? Try it out for yourself spell out “Vol” on your left hand, click to find out how! #BattleatBristol #vfl #GoVols #Vols #TenneesseeVols #UTK #RockyTop #gobigorange #tennesseefootball

Must Know Tid-bits about the University of Tennessee Vols – Check out these tid-bit facts about the University of Tennessee football. #VFL #GoVols

Updates from the Devastating Gatlinburg Wildfires Destruction – as death roll rises and structures damaged and destroyed list grows. #Gatlinburg #PrayforGatlinburg #PrayforTennessee

All Things Color Series: All Things Orange. In this post I will talk about the color orange and how it is mentioned in the Bible and what the color means. #Orange