Military Appreciation

A great way to show the love of God with Military Appreciation, we should show our thanks to these men and women who have fought to keep our freedoms here in America. #MilitaryAppreciation #USMC #USAF #USN #USA #USCG #Military #Army #Navy #Marines #CoastGuard

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Military Spouse Appreciation Day

Military Spouse Appreciation Day – a day to show appreciation & to show appreciation for the sacrifices of military spouses. They have to make sacrifices while the other one is gone serving our country on active duty. #MilitarySpouseAppreciationDay

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National POW MIA Recognition Day #NationalPOWMIARecognitionDay #POW #MIA

National POW MIA Recognition Day. A day set aside each year to recognize all those who were or are a Prisoner of War (POW) and all of those that are still missing in action (MIA). #NationalPOWMIARecognitionDay #POW #MIA #POWMIA

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