Animals / Bible / Christian / Creation / Eagles / Family / God / Jesus Christ / Knoxville / Men of the Bible / Women of the Bible

The Knoxville Zoo: A Place to Show Case God’s Creation

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The Knoxville Zoo, My Christian Review. You can share several types of Biblical stories there including the creation story or even Noah and the Ark. #KnoxvilleZoo #BGBG2

Animals / Christian / Christian Movies / Family / Fruit of the Spirit / Gentleness / God / Goodness / Healing / Hope / Horse / Jesus Christ / Kindness / Love / Sickness

Unconditional Movie Review

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This is a movie review for the Movie “Unconditional” with also the trailer to that movie. Samantha has a storybook life then loses her faith when her husband is killed in a senseless act of violence. Sam’s faith reignites when she meets a childhood friend who cares for children in his under-resourced neighborhood. #Unconditional

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