Romans 8:31 Bracelets to Benefit Knoxville Police Department

Romans 8:31 Bracelets to Benefit Knoxville Police Department. Ryan Hudson, a Knoxville, TN Resident made these bracelets and announced it on Facebook.

Romans 8:31 Bracelets to Benefit Knoxville Police Department

Hudson’s post said: “They can take down a sign, but they can’t destroy our beliefs. Can’t wait to pass these out to our local law enforcement officers!” He ordered 300 of these. Since he made that post, it pretty much went viral. This came after the Knoxville Police Department removing the Romans 8:31 plaque and relocating it. (Read more about that)

Romans 8:31 Bracelets to Benefit Knoxville Police Department -If God Be For Us, Then Who Can Be Against Us

Hudson said if he had enough interest, he would sell them for around $1 a piece. The money raised would be used to buy breakfast or a meal for all of the officers. Below is the official statement by Hudson.

“We have received a lot of requests from the public on how they can obtain one. Our initial order was enough to cover the PD with only a few extra. If enough people want one we are considering ordering more and selling them for $1/band. This would cover the cost of the bands plus shipping and then allow us to raise a little bit of money to donate to KPD or purchase breakfast for a shift or something like that. If you would be interested in purchasing one, please let us know so we can get a count and figure out the logistics of it all. This post is not meant to start any arguments or to offend anybody. Simply to show support to the officers of the Knoxville Police Department.”

No word if he will order any more of these, but he had ordered and sold 750 at the time of this blog post. He has closed down the ordering site at this time too.

The message on the bracelets read …

If God Be For Us, Then Who Can Be Against Us

Knoxville Police Department Removed Bible Verse



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