Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse After Christmas 2019. #SolarEclipse #RingofFireSolarEsclipse

(Image: © Hinode/XRT)
This is a rare Solar eclipse. It will form what looks like a ring around the sun. Some people are calling it a wreath. It will be the last solar eclipse of the decade and of 2019.
They are also saying it is the most dangerous solar eclipse too.
This rare annular solar eclipse will begins at 03:43 a.m. Universal Time on December 26—that’s 10:43 p.m. EST and 7:43 p.m. PST on Christmas Day.
You will only be able to see the ring for around 3 minutes and 40 seconds. Remember looking directly at a solar eclipse is very dangerous and could cause permanent eye damage including blindness. You will need special glasses to look at it.
The Ring of Fire is also known as the Right of Light.
This is actually the third solar eclipse we had in 2019.
Also remember, not all of the world can see this rare event. According to Forbes, here is where you can see it.
The phenomenon—often referred to as a “ring of fire” or “ring of light”—will be visible at sunrise in Saudi Arabia, and then slightly higher in the sky from a narrow path through Qatar, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Oman, southern India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia. The Sun will then set as a “ring” east of Guam in the Pacific Ocean.
The next solar eclipse will occur in June 2020.
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