Red Shoe Day

Red Shoe Day – A memorial day for an Australian Lyme Patient, Theda Myint and others who lost to Lyme and other invisible illnesses worldwide. #RedShoeDay

Red Shoe Day


Red Shoe Day #RedShoeDay

This day has been held annually on July 25 since 2014. This day began in an Australian Lyme support group after Theda’s passing last year. In that conversation there were plans to plant a tree in memory of Theda. One person asked what her favorite color was. They told her it was green, but she did love red shoes.

Of course parts of Australia (depending where in the country) is usually 12-15 hours ahead of the East Coast of the United States, where I live in Eastern Time Zone.

A comment by Melinda Borg replied back with, “I love red shoes too, I will think of Theda every time I wear mine.” Then the next comment was by Kirsten Smith “Red Shoe Day in her memory?” Smith felt that this event would be embraced by people all over the world (rather than just Theda’s country of residence, Australia), and this day became International Red Shoe Day.

More Info:–a-day-of-remembrance.html

Here is another Shoe related Holiday

First published July 24, 2018. Last updated or republished July 23, 2020.

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