Older people asked to stay away from church

Let the Redeemed by Josh Baldwin is this weeks Christian Music Monday. #LetTheRedeemed #JoshBaldwin

Older people asked to stay away from their church to reach the younger generations, so they do not close down. #GoveUnitedMethodist

Older people asked to stay away from their church to reach the younger generations, so they do not close down. #GoveUnitedMethodist
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Older people asked to stay away from church


If you are asking members to leave, you are a dying church. Sadly, this is what one Minnesota church has done. They are saying the older generation is keeping the younger generation away.

This church is Grove United Methodist Church in Cottage Grove, MN ( St. Paul suburb).

“We are asking them to let this happen, for this to be truly new, we can’t have the core group of 30 people…they can come to Woodbury during this phase. ”

Dan Wetterstrom as the Lead Pastor

One church member called it “age discrimination.” One family, Stella and Jon Knapp, with young children said it “hated” the plan and vowed to leave the congregation if it were put into place, according to the Associated Press (AP).

Woodbury, is another church that is connected to them, from a merger in 2008.

“ The older members will not be physically barred from attending, but the expectation is that they won’t. It’s a new thing with a new mission for a new target and a new culture.”

Jeremy Peters

The relaunch was set back in November. No word on how that is going.

Let’s keep these members being ousted in your prayers. That God will also lead them to the church He wants them in. I believe we need both young and old, after all that is what makes up the Body of Christ.

Also, pray for this new church.

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