November Facts – There is much to be thankful for in November. Here’s a look at some of the interesting facts about the month. #November #NovemberFacts
Tag: November

Explain what No Shave November is and how it claims to grow cancer awareness plus I discuss how the fund raising money is distributed. #NoShaveNovember #Movember

Fall back one hour. Change your clocks, change your batteries. If you don’t change your clocks back one hour you will be early to church. Just a very little tid-bit of Day Light Saving Time. #TimeChange #FallBack

November Reflections 2017. Sharing a reflection back for the month of November 2017 in blogging at Courageous Christian Father. I share top 10 blog post for the month, top 10 visiting countries, places I have visited. Plus, things I have learned and more.

This weeks Outdoor Truths w/Gary Miller is about Doing What’s Best & Knowing your calling. God has placed each one of us in a certain area of ministry. But if we are not careful we will spend our time doing so many good things that we neglect the one particular thing God has called us to do. #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller