Kids’ Corner April 19

Kids’ Corner April 19 – Here is a fun activity printable for you to printout and do with your children. This is a free printable! #KidsCorner

Kids’ Corner April 19

Kids' Corner April 19 - Here is a fun activity printable for you to printout and do with your children. This is a free printable! #KidsCorner

This week features …

  • Food Fact about Candies
  • How they Say that In English, Spanish, Italian, French and German for the word, “Sweet”
  • What’s Different in the picture.
  • Did you know about Jelly Beans
  • A few facts about this day in history for April 25
  • New Word: Saccharine and what it means
  • Can you get what is in the picture

Speaking of Jelly Beans, check out this Jelly Bean Printable since Jelly Bean Day is coming up!

Stay tuned as I may be sharing another one like this next week. Not to mention, I will be publishing more printables as time goes on.

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