If God’s Important to you, then why isn’t He in your profiles?

God Profile
God Profile
Profile Sample 1

I have some more food for thought. You see a lot of people have profiles, since most everyone is Online. These profiles can be our Social profiles, like Twitter, Facebook and that. They can be dating profiles too. My question is, you find a lot of people say that God is important to them and He is first, yet, their Online presence lacks anything that would say He means a lot to you. Like I have been on dating site, I put that I am a Christian and God is important to me. I have it in my interest areas and also in my about me sections.

I get messages saying they are Christian and would like to talk to me. I check out their profile and Online profile has no mention. Really? He is first in your life and yet you neglect to put Him in your profile? Makes me really think where their hearts are. They could very well be a Christian, but my honest thinking is that if God means that much to you and He is first, you will put Him in everything you do. This includes your online profiles. To me if you don’t make mention of Him in your profile, it is like you are ashamed of Him. This was something that just recently came to my heart and I had to share. Let me know what you think? Do you also believe that if you say God is first, you should show it be also including Him in your Online profiles?

God profile 2
Profile Sample 2

Are you unashamed to put Him in your profiles? I hope that you can stand up and not be unashamed and put Him in your profiles. If you don’t, take some time and reflect on this and pray about it. I would say that this shows how your heart is with God. It’s a heart condition. If you feel led, I suggest and encourage you to add God to ALL of your Online profiles. Use your social media and profiles to Glory Him.

Don’t be ashamed of Him, because if you are ashamed of Him, He will be ashamed of you.

Here are some Bible verses to look up. Take some time to read each one of them and reflect about them. Don’t be ashamed of the Gospel. He died for our Sins!

Some Bible Verses to look up …

  • 2 Timothy 1:8
  • Romans 1:16
  • Matthew 10:32-33
  • Luke 9:26
  • Mark 8:38



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3 thoughts on “If God’s Important to you, then why isn’t He in your profiles?

  1. I agree to that. He is in mine. They had an app about six months after I joined FaceBook that gave you the ten most used words from your posts & God was # 1 on my most used words!. But I would also say , if He is so important to you, then you ought not have to tell anyone for them to know that. If it is not showing in your life then it is not a issue of your heart either. This was a great post.

  2. I agree with us he is is that important to you than you wanted to tell other people you want other people to know and other people to see it. You don’t want to be ashamed of that you want that light shining for other people. That’s totally awesome Lynn

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