No matter what happens, God has a plan and purpose. Even in bad times such as a pandemic. God turns evil and bad things into things for His glory.

Just like the evils that Jacob’s brothers did to him, God had a plan and purpose of good to come through that. We might not see it now, but there will be good to come out of this COVID-19 pandemic. What man means for evil, God has good to come out of it.
God will never leave us or forsake us!
We must have faith in Him. He will see us, through this. It might not be immediate, but in due time we will see the purpose. Plus, this is a great time for the Church to be the Church and not the building.
Step up! Check on your neighbors!
Be Still! Don’t Panic! God Has It!
Bad things happen because of the fall, sin. When the fall happened, sin started. That brought bad things, like sickness and death. LSD of the Bible. (Lust, Sin & Death).
God is not the enemy. Satan is! Satan brings the bad stuff. But God has plans for that bad to become good. Remember Jesus won the victory over Satan.
While we are on Earth, we will always see sin, sickness and death. But, as a Child of God, we will have eternal life with Him in glorified new body that will not get sick or die. Sadly, if you are not a Child of God, you will go to hell. When we die, we have one of two destinations for our final destination.
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