Check on your neighbors during a social distancing. Here are some ways to check in on them and who is your neighbor?
Check on your neighbors
During this time of social distancing umm physical distancing that is, we still can reach out to our neighbors. But who actually is our neighbor and how can we check in on them during this pandemic?
The Bible tells us to love our neighbor.
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
Mark 12:30-31
Our neighbor is those around us such as …
- Actual neighbors (those live next to you)
- Family
- Friends
- Small Group Members (Sunday School Members)
- Church Members
- CoWorkers
How else can we consider to be our neighbor?
The Simplest answer is … EVERYONE! Everyone we come in contact with is our neighbor. Regardless if we know them or not. I do mean EVERYONE! It don’t matter who they are, where they are from. What they look like. etc.
Feel free to share in the comments below.
Pretty much anyone we have contact with!
Ways to reach out to your neighbor …
- Video Chat
- Phone calls
- Text Message
- Snail Mail
- Social Media
- Send care packages
- Drop off notes
How else can we reach out to our neighbors?
Feel free to share other ways for us to reach out to our neighbors in the comments below.
Our of my neighbors keeps dropping off care packages. For example, a neighbor has given us some bread at our place. I’m thankful for that. Another place near us sells us fresh produce and gave us a box full of vegetables. Examples of ways you can also share with your neighbors.
How are other ways to reach out with out physical contact.
Check out this comic on Neighbors in Heaven.
Take this moment to check on your neighbors!
Excellent post Steve. Thanks for sharing this tips and insights on checking in our neighbors.
You are most welcome Rainer. Thank you for visiting and commeting. Greatly appreciated.