Hope Acronym – I am sharing this with you. I saw this on a business sign. It was an acronym for the word Hope. I share two different acronyms for the word hope.
Hope Acronym
H – Hold
O – On
P – Pain
E – Ends
I am so glad that we can have hope in Christ and one day the pain will end for the Children of God. This kind of hope is not wishful thinking, but knowing that God will heal and take care. We may not get the healing on this side of Earth, but in Heaven! We will have a glorified new body with no more pain, sickness, sin etc.
While I was looking, I did find another acronym for Hope.
H – Have
O – Only
P – Positive
E – Expectations
You can find other acronymns on Courageous Christian Father too.
Do you know any other Christian acronyms for the word Hope?