Anti-Bullying Day – Bullying is a pervasive issue that affects individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and environments. Anti-Bullying Day, observed in various countries, is not just a day; it’s a movement, a call to action, and a reminder that each of us has a role in creating a safer, more inclusive world.
Category: Bullying

International STAND UP to Bullying Day – an awareness holiday to raise awareness against bullying. #Bullying

National Stop Bullying Day a day to help raise awareness about bullying and help put a stop to it. National Stop Bullying Month, National Stop Bullying Week

Blue Shirt Day also known as World Day of Bullying Prevention. #BlueShirtDay #BlueUp #Bullying

Buddy Bench- It’s recess and the kids are having fun, running, playing with balls, swinging, etc. However, some of the kids are not enjoying in on the fun. That is where Christian Bucks done something about it. #BuddyBench @buddy_bench

This blog post talks about some stats on bullying, steps to deal with bullying and gives you some Bible verses to help you as victims of bullying or even to show you bullying is wrong.

UT Has Sold More Than 50,000 of a Florida Bullied Boy’s T-Shirt – A young Tennessee Vol Fan was bullied for his homemade design. Those are just the pre-orders within a couple of weeks. Plus, offered a 4 year scholarship to UT. #GoVols

How to identify and stop cyberbullying – The global organization says nearly half of kids have been bullied online, with one in four saying it has happened more than once. Cyberbullying has grown as access to computers and devices that offer an online connection has grown. #CyberBullying #Bullying How to identify and stop cyberbullying Today’s students have many new things to contend with as they navigate the school year. As a greater number of schools transition to providing lessons, homework and tests on digital devices, students spend much more

A folded piece of paper, is exactly what this new woman at my church handed me. I do not know who she is, nor does she know who I am. But she gave me this folded piece of paper with two Bible verses on them. Read this blog post to find out what those verses were and what these verses mean to me and how they seem to relate to what is going on with me right now. #Bible #Ruth #Psalm