Take a Walk Outdoors Day – Time to get active, go outside and go for a walk.
Tag: walking
Take Your Pants For A Walk Day – A day to go and take your pants for a walk. Why not go outside and walk with your pants. #TakeYourPantsForAWalkDay
It’s okay if walkers miss the 10,000-step standard – The 10,000-step standard – which equates to roughly five miles. It has some surprising origins that are not necessarily rooted in medical science.
30+ Benefits to Walking – I compiled a list of benefits to walking. Walking can be good for you and here are 30+ of them. #Walking
10 Job’s that Gets Your Steps In – Here is a list of jobs that has a lot of walking and you are likely to get your steps in. #Walking #Steps #Fitbit
Courageous Christian Father is a Christian Blog, Daddy Blog, Family Blog, Recipe Blog, Review Blog and more. Mostly blogging about God, Bible, Jesus and the Holy Spirit as well as the Christian Family.
I talk and review my thoughts about the fitbit Ultra Tracker pedometer. It is more then a pedometer. It can track steps, distance, calories burned, sleep and even stairs climbed. Find out my review by reading this blog entry.