I found a video from Nick Hall who gave a sermon on Reset, Recharge. Putting worldly things behind and put God first. Put your eyes on Jesus and reflect your light! (From WinterJam 2013 tour)
Tag: live second

Restarting the book LiveSecond: 365 Ways to Make Jesus First. I will keep track of my progress via my blog. #IASCreation

live second: love
Book review on live second: 365 Ways to Make Jesus First. This review segment is on several sections about love.

I have been selected as one of the launch week readers for the book live second: 365 Ways to Make Jesus First by Doug Bender. I was honored to be asked to do this. After all I do post the I am Second Videos on my blog to share with my fellow readers. I have been enjoying reading this book so far. This book is intended to be a daily reader with a new passage and idea each day to reflect upon. I was asked to make several blog entries about this book. Stay tuned to my blog to see more as I post them.

Stay tuned my blog as I talk about a new book “live second: 365 Ways To Make Jesus First”. I am one of the launch readers. I will be soon posting more about this book. This book is by Doug Bender. This is an I am Second Daily Reading. If you are familiar to the I am Second videos, then this book is a great book to read, which I have been reading. Stay tuned to my blog for more info on this book and my take of this book.

This is the I am Second® testimonial video of Whispering Danny, a popular Kansas City tattoo artist. I am sure if he could shout this he would, but he cannot shout it due to his medical condition. He was also a Jewish as a child when he lived in the Soviet Union. Listen to his story on how he became a Christian.

I have been selected to review the book live second: 365 Ways to Make Jesus First. Check out my blog and stay tuned to my blog as I read and journey with this daily reader book. Doug Bender is the author of this book. Doug Bender is also writer and small group coach for I am Second.

I am Second Video of Brian “Head” Welch. He is know from being in the selcular rock band Korn. “I’m important…. And that where drugs can creep in.”